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Wii Component Cable - How to tell if it's official

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    Wii Component Cable - How to tell if it's official

    I have just hooked up my Jap Wii to a 100Hz 34"CRT with component. The picture is horrible with wavy interference lies everywhere. This cable worked fine on my Sony Bravia LCD.

    Is there anyway to tell if the cable is a Nintendo original? Does the Nintendo logo appear anywhere on the cable? It is written on the original AV cable.

    Do you think the line problem could be that I'm using a third-party power supply?



    If its from nintendo it will have their logo stamped on it on the bit that plugs into the wii.


      If it's anything like mine, the cable is heavy and thick. Really, heavy-duty stuff


        Mine must be a fake. Lightweight. The ends are also grey with just coloured rings on them - shouldn't they be complete colours?


          Just had a look.

          The cable splits into the component parts after a big plastic square block built into the cable. And yes, the jacks are each coloured and the audio cables after the block have a small plastic ring with "AUDIO" written on them (I guess in case someone puts the rd audio cable into the red component video socket).


            I think the problem is far more likely to be the power supply, some third party ones can generate interference and cause exactly the problems you are seeing.


              I get the exact same problem on my 40" Samsung LCD set (using a third party component cable). After a bit of googling it looks like quite a few people have had similar issues...

