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Weird HDMI related Xbox 360 issue

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    Weird HDMI related Xbox 360 issue

    Recently nabbed my mates 1080p 40 inch Samsung telly off him as he's off round the world for a year.

    Previously was using my Xbox 360 through component at 1080i on my old 32 HD Samsung.

    Now using HDMI cable from 360 to new TV, at 1080p. Great picture and no issues with quality.

    HOWEVER... if I change channel on the telly while 360 is on, the 360 reboots when i come back to the HDMI channel. Is that normal? It certainly doesnt seem right.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Only last week I noticed my mates Samsung do that. 37" 1080i and through component though.
    My 40" Samsung (1080i/hdmi) dosen't do it.


      It does it with my Toshiba LCD too. Dunno why either.


        this might be a stab in the dark but i had the same issue, but not with 360's, with ntl and tivo.
        the issues there was with ir remotes. signal being the shared by two different units but having different commands. i know that the 360 can be operated buy remote, it could be a crossover.


          It'll be to do with HDCP, the 360 and the TV create a secure connection between each other and depending on the TV it may terminate that connection when changing channel thus the device reboots to protect from you trying to insert a 3rd device into the chain. On my setup if I forget to turn on my amp before the 360, the 360 doesn't boot until it detects a connection. However on my dads setup where he uses an HDMI-DVI dongle, the 360 sits happily on while channel surfing. I believe this is entirely normal, again due to HDCP and creating a secure connection between 2 devices.


            Yea its just handshaking basically for copy protection. Onkyo 605 does it when I boot up wont do out when its on until I put the channel on you can here it boot and the logo noise but it wont go past that till I shove it on. Its fine once its going apart from when its started to load a game at say MS logo on a game on PGR4 then it will reset it to load it again when I change back over its nothing to worry about.


              Cheers guys.

              Bloody annoying, as I like to change the channel to check telly occasionally, but never mind!


                Got a new elite yesterday, also have a samsung tv with only one hdmi input.
                Found a solution that stops this problem - use a joytech tri hdmi switch, only thing is the tri switch needs to be powered on all the time either by the mains adapter or in my case via the usb power lead which I have connected to the always live usb channel on the back of my htpc.
                Hope thats of some help.


                  I've got that Joytech adapter. It works fine but what annoys me is that I have it right by my bed (due to the way my room is set up) and there's an LED on when it is powered that is very distracting!


                    Mine is upside down.


                      Mines stuck on the back of the tv - I use a remote blaster via the mce remote box.
                      Bit of black tape over the leds?



                        I use one of those from them 3 way HDMI switcher with remote (can put the reciever few meteres away so can have the HDMI box at back of telly). Got it last week (with a ?3 optical switcher what works perfect) as Im buying a JPN 360 in December so needed one more socket. It works perfect and doesnt need a power source just as long as the unit is powered. (works fine on SkyHD, 360, PS3, Onkyo 605, dvd player as tried them all for auto switching).

