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website builder with paypal shop

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    website builder with paypal shop

    Hi all. im new to making websites i want to make a website which will have a mini online shop that will be able to take paypal payments thru my website?

    ive seen things like mr site but cost about ?20 odd

    are there any free or ones you can buy in shops that are reccomended,

    i also want it to inclue a or .com sub

    thanks for your help and time


    FREE Shopping cart osCommerce to start selling online. Accelerate your business endlessly by adding apps and custom development. Open source eCommerce platform.

    They don't *really* need any advanced knowledge to use (just follow instructions). Some basic CSS knowledge would be advisable though.

    they'll install on any server which can do both PHP and MYSQL


      hi again,long time since i posted

      can anyone help meonthis, i want to make a site 1st? can anyone reccomend some good software to built it on? then i want to add the paypal shop to it? then host it?

      any help would be great



        Both those ones I linked to have Content Management systems.

        You could use something like Wordpress to make a site and get a shopping cart plugin for it but I don't know how good those would be.


          what free website design sites or programs can anyone reccomend? i simply want the site to have a picturue of the product, then somthing like click here to buy, and the link will take them to a paypal login with the invoice ready for them if you get what i meen? thanks for the info abigsmurf also

