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MAC Codes (leaving AOL)

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    MAC Codes (leaving AOL)

    I'm leaving AOL as their service has gone incredibly poor since they were taken over by carphone warehouse. At 'peak' times my typical download speed goes from around 400K/s to 40K/s which is taking the mick. Shame as they used, to be fast, reliable and cheap (usually you only get 2). Going to be using O2 as I hear nothing but good things about them.

    I requested the MAC code on monday, still hasn't arrived. I know they say 5 working days though. Anyone else have experience switching from AOL? Will I have to phone up again and have a moan?

    Took me 2 months to get my mac code from them, there complete gits for it.


      Gonna phone up again tommorow and threaten to moan to OFCOM if they don't send it. 5 days is the required response time OFCOM expect


        An ISP are legally obliged to supply you with your MAC, if they refuse to do it contact OFCOM straight away.

        Originally posted by OFCOM
        There is a mandatory Migrations Authorisation Code (‘MAC’) Broadband Migrations Process which all Broadband Internet Service Providers are required to follow which sets out how they will handle customer requests to move from one ISP to another.

        EDIT 2:
        Originally posted by OFCOM
        A1.5 The Communications Provider shall communicate the MAC to the End-User in writing by letter and/or by e-mail within five working days of receipt of the End-User’s request save for A1.6.
        A1.6 Where the Communications Provider has issued the MAC to the End-User over the telephone (including details about the MAC validity period and expiry date and the Broadband Service to which the MAC relates), the Communications Provider is not required to communicate the MAC to the End-User in writing.
        A1.7 The written response (e-mail or letter) to the End-User containing the MAC shall clearly indicate:
        1. the MAC (or MACs);
        2. the MAC validity period and expiry date; and
        3. the Broadband Service(s) to which the MAC(s) applies.
        A1.8 At any time prior to the expiry of the MAC validity period, the Communications Provider shall remind the End-User of the MAC if requested by the End-User.
        A1.9 Where a MAC has already been requested and provided, the Communications Provider shall not impose any limits on the number of additional times an End-User may request the provision of a new MAC in relation to the Broadband Service, following the expiry of any other MACs.
        A1.10 The Communications Provider shall issue a MAC to the End-User free of charge.
        Full details:
        Last edited by JP; 07-11-2008, 18:56.


          phoned them up again and they gave me it over the code. Bastards didn't need to make me wait at all ¬¬

          Going to be 'up to 2 weeks' before O2 will switch me over. Thought it could be done in an evening if they got the mac code.


            Just received the wireless unit from O2. The thing is awful. Horribly limited options (no port forwarding). Is it possible to install generic firmware on the unit rather than the O2 one?

