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DC VGA Box /lead

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    DC VGA Box /lead

    Thought I'd start a new thread although I asked about this elsewhere.

    Apart from the impossible to find official Sega DC and Blaze one what are the experiences people have had with the other two main designs/makes you can get on eBay?

    There's a rather horrible looking clear cased type requiring an additional VGA to monitor cable but also seems to have additional S-Video and RCA audio output. The alternative is a black or luminous blue (why oh, why?) box and integrated VGA cable but only 3.5mm audio jack.

    Picture quality and sound quality are my primary concern . Any information/recommendations appreciated.

    Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
    There's a rather horrible looking clear cased type requiring an additional VGA to monitor cable but also seems to have additional S-Video and RCA audio output. The alternative is a black or luminous blue (why oh, why?) box and integrated VGA cable but only 3.5mm audio jack.
    Sounds exactly like the smoked case unbranded one I owned for a couple of years, worked like a dream to be honest.


      I have a Game branded one that works perfectly, can't really see how an official one would improve it tbh.

      There is one for sale on Av forums at the moment i think.


        I have one of those clear ones. Picture is excellent on my hdtv. Nicer than a wii or ps2 in 480p tbh.


          I use a HAIS branded vga box and the quality is excellent


            I'd really recommend doing the internal VGA mod as described on mmmonkey's site. It really is excellent.


              I've got one of those clear jobbies and it works a treat!


                Originally posted by honeymustard View Post
                I'd really recommend doing the internal VGA mod as described on mmmonkey's site. It really is excellent.
                Thanks for the feedback all.

                I've read about VGA mod on that site and I would consider it but my close-up eyesight/soldering skills/equipment are not up to the task.

                I've actually just been at Gamefaqs looking at the DC hardware faqs and there's a guide there for converting a DC RGB SCART lead and VGA cable into a DC VGA cable. Presumably using that would require the use of a DC-X to enable VGA output but it's quite an an attractive alternative and something I love to try to do but again still beyond my scope unfortunately.

                It's really got to be a VGA box for me and if the clear/smoky ones are OK I'll probably go for one of those.


                  Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                  Thanks for the feedback all.
                  I've actually just been at Gamefaqs looking at the DC hardware faqs and there's a guide there for converting a DC RGB SCART lead and VGA cable into a DC VGA cable. Presumably using that would require the use of a DC-X to enable VGA output
                  Actually you dont need the DC-X to enable VGA output at all, no matter how you get the VGA port (Internal or External). The only time you'd use a DC-X is to 'force' VGA mode on certain games that dont usually support VGA. About 90% of Dreamcast games do support VGA mode - even the PAL versions


                    I thought that if you were just using a basic VGA cable such as the modified RGB SCART mentioned the game wouldn't automatically go to VGA output and you'd need to manually selected it using something like DC-X. Isn't that what the electronics in the VGA box are all about? Maybe I've misunderstood.


                      I feel like I'm missing something, a VGA box would work just dandy. I think the internal mod just force VGA on incompatible games without needing to use a DC-X.


                        The internal VGA mod does everything a normal Dreamcast VGA box can do, just internally! There isnt really any difference.

                        The Dreamcast is switched into VGA mode by grounding two pins on the AV port - the DC-X doesnt have anything to do with this.

                        Usually when you peform the internal VGA mod you fit a switch to go between standard TV video modes (Composite, S-Video, RGB Scart) and VGA mode. All the guides I have ever seen recommend fitting a switch - even the ones where you are just making you own VGA cable. You'll find the same switch present on pretty much all the Dreamcast VGA boxes I have ever seen - usually labelled "TV-VGA". All this switch actually does is switch between grounding two pins, and not grounding two pins.

                        Usually this switch can be used to 'force' non-VGA games into VGA - all you do is let the Dreamcast boot up in 'TV mode', then when you hear the 'beep' as the drive gets up to speed you flick the switch to 'VGA mode' - this will usually have the effect of forcing most non-VGA compatable games into VGA mode, as they are tricked into thinking they are booting in 'TV mode'. All but a small handful of the non-VGA games can be forced into VGA in this way. Theres a good list here:-

                        In the past people used to do a similar switch by physically swapping the actual cables as the Dreamcast boots - I really wouldnt recommend this method though as not only will you wear out the AV port, but you could also blow components on the AV lines.

                        Now I could be wrong here (as I havent tested it) but I think the DC-X does exactly the same thing - as in it makes the game think its booting in 'TV mode' but is actually putting it in 'VGA mode' as it boots - pretty much identical to the switch method really - except for the fact that you will be in VGA mode all the time (Its tricking the game in software as opposed to hardware) Some people have claimed the the DC-X has a slightly higher success rate than the switch method, but I havent come across any games yet that cant be forced using the switch method.

                        I hope that makes sense!
                        Last edited by Link83; 11-11-2008, 19:55.


                          It does. Interesting stuff - the method of forcing VGA output on games supposedly without that option is something I was actually just reading about before I came here.

                          Blaze VGA box - should have asked others here about this: any other opinions on this make, good or bad?


                            I'm also after a VGA box as I want to play Vigilante 8 properly - I've had a look on ebay and the cheapest seems to be about 25 quid or 18 quid from Canada. Any cheap UK sources?



                              I was a bit narked off yesterday. I've had my eye on the one Blaze DC VGA on eBay - 7 day listing wth a Buy Now Price only $2 above the $13.99 start price. Similar shipping cost but the guy wanted a verfied Paypal address. I emailed him twice to get permission to pay by my unverfied Paypal account and last night an hour before the end I made a last check and found he'd given me the go ahead. Went straight to listing and somebody had bought the thing 10 minutes earlier! Annoying.
                              Last edited by fallenangle; 12-11-2008, 11:29.

