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Dead XBox 360 question

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    Dead XBox 360 question

    My 360 flipped me the bird tonight - it's well out of warranty & so on; if I buy a new one, can I just use the hard drive I already have, or do I have to start from scratch & re-download arcade games & so on?

    I am on my second 360 which had the RROD today. I bought my original over 2 years ago and on ringing Microsoft there was no question about warranty. May be worth giving them a ring on 0800 587 1102 to see what they say.

    I sent the original one back for the same reason (keeping the HD) and got back a different replacement machine, to which I fitted the old HD without a problem and no loss of data.


      You can keep and use the hard drive on another machine.

      Only thing you'll have to watch is that downloaded Arcade games will not be available if you aren't connected to Live, but you can use the DRM tool to reassign stuff to your machine:


        Thanks chaps - I've sent an email to MS just to see what they say


          You know you have 3 years Geoff on 3 red rings, which i think is just over for UK launch consoles.

          What's wrong with your machine?


            Originally posted by Wavey Pavey View Post
            You know you have 3 years Geoff on 3 red rings, which i think is just over for UK launch consoles.

            What's wrong with your machine?
            It's not a red ring thing - the picture has been glitching for a while now, but as of last night I have sound but no picture; have tried all different leads & inputs on the TV & amp but no joy. Did a quick google & found that it's not an uncommon problem


              This is really strange.

              I'm fixing one now for a guy on av forums, did exactly the same thing, someone on here contacted me yesterday with the same symptoms.

              Must be the weather or something?


                Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                Thanks chaps - I've sent an email to MS just to see what they say
                Be prepared for them not to respond. Last time I heard anything about it the story was that they never respond; if they don't do so in a timely manner, give them a ring instead.


                  I did ring MS in the end - they told me it would be £60 to fix. I told them they could fondle my fruit salad.


                    Yep, that's about the usual response (the £60 I mean, not fondling ones fruit salad)

