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    Having had my PC die on me at the end of last week (won't boot) I am having to resort to using my PS3 for Internet access which seems to be fine for the majority of Web sites. Play however seem to have this Cookie thing which doesn't let me get to the Checkout. Is there a way around this as I wanted to get a PS3 game from them to supplement my current gaming as I had the RROD on my 360 today?

    When you only use a TV browser like me you get horribly used to these sort of problems.

    I lost access to Gameplay's checkout years ago and whilst checkout pages used to be fine for me about 4 years ago they changed something and then all I got was a "Page Not Found" message. At one point I could still use it with my ancient DC Dreamkey v.3 but when I changed my credit card details I was blocked from updating them with a similar message. Haven't used them since.

    Recently the Amazon checkout has become inaccessable to me too but for an even more mundane reason - file size. My browser simply can't handle anything above a certain size without disconnecting. With my saved for later items and all the other crap Amazon now put on the main checkout page I'm stuffed. Their loss.

    I've tried using which is a site designed to allow web access to 'difficult' sites when using simpler browsers but I found with that I wasn't allowed to login to my Amazon account (a cookie issue ) and so can't get to the checkout pages that way either.

    Why ever the PS3 is having this cookie problem with I doubt there's an easy way for you to solve it. You could try via skweezer but I wouldn't hold my hopes up.

    I just buy from elsewhere on the web, eBay, Gamestation, GAME (rarely) etc there's almost always an alternative at the same price somewhere on a site which will be compatible.



      I don't have a problem with Amazon. looks odd, but I haven't tried ordering anything from them. As far as ordering with the PS3 is concerned, Play is my only problem... so far.


        #4 far.

        Unless they regularly upgrade the browser for the PS3 you'll find the weird displays on certain web sites and particularly access to 'secure' pages increases with time.

        Web site designers are always fiddling with things which, when on a PC, you probably wouldn't notice but using a simpler form of web access or even just an older browser and it can throw just the sort of problems you've had with
        Last edited by fallenangle; 11-12-2008, 15:39.


          slightly ot but I have the same isue with new chrome, firefox on my laptop.

          I cant log in to my online banking,ebay, gamestation etc all since I updated my browsers to the new versions.

          Its annoying the life out of me

