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Xmas vs Jan Sales

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    Xmas vs Jan Sales

    Hey guys,

    I want to buy an Xbox 360, gamestation are doing a deal with the 60GB version with Gow 1+2, Far Cry 2 and an extra wireless pad for ?200, I was wondering if I should buy it now or wait for the January sales?

    This late, deals wont get much better in Jan, you might just pick up a few titles cheaper, but bundle wise they are probably as good as they get at the moment, seen a 60Gb, extra controller, Tomb Raider, Lego Indy and Kung Fu Panda for 176 in Game.


      I would buy it now, nothing beats having a new console for the holidays.


        Oh right cos thats personally the best 360 deal for me right now, I plan to get that with Preowned Lost Planet £4.99, Left 4 Dead at full price, and MK vs DC at £20


          Yeah, just work out which deal suits you best, and go for it, as you like shooters, defo the top deal is well worth it, along with Lost Planet, L4D and MK vs DC.


            Just a heads up - The gears 1 & 2 come as a single unit with Not for Resale plastered all over it. Shame as I found the game to be cack and now can't really get rid of it :-(

            Good deals around though.


              Looks like I have one more problem, I am not sure if I received my ema payment this week but hopefully if I have, it will be £230 plus next weeks £30. Looks like 360 GOW 1+2, FC2, EXTRA WIRELESS PAD, MK VS DC, L4D as a present from someone, and either Lost Planet or Shadowrun, any suggestions?


                Lost Planet is alright but Shadowrun is dump and I can't imagine many people still play it any more (you do know it's online only right?). If you want a good competitive multiplayer game you can't really go wrong with Team Fortress 2 or, dare I say it, Halo 3.


                  Another vote in the `don't touch Shadowrun` camp - for the most part it was only heralded by mindless Xbots who liked to proclaim every single Xbox 360 title to be the next best thing evar.

                  I found it dull and shallow (although it was well balanced) and populated by total muppets. I should imagine after all this time you'd be lucky to get a game going as they'll all have moved on to the next big thing.


                    So what online FPS game do you recommend that I can get for around the same price?


                      Originally posted by londondynasty View Post
                      So what online FPS game do you recommend that I can get for around the same price?
                      That's an easy one: Halo 3.


                        If you've never played Half Life 2 then go for the Orange Box, plenty of bang for your buck and dirt cheap now too.


                          Just a quick update - got the GOW 1&2, FC 2 and extra pad for £200. Got MK vs DC and Shadowrun from CEX

