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Dreamcast's are going crazy... Help!

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    Dreamcast's are going crazy... Help!

    Recently picked up a JAP Zombie Revenge, when it arrived I popped it into my PAL DC via the DCX boot disc.
    Appeared to be fine, played the 1st mission no problems, but as soon as the episode 2 screen pops up I return to the DC menu screen? Disc looks fine, tried again and same issue

    Thinking this was FAMMYDODD I fired up my JAP DC and tried again... With this console the episode 1 screen came up after the intro FAMMYDODD'ed back to the DC menu? Whaaa

    So I then tried the rest of my NTSC-J games on the JAP console:
    SFZ3 - resets wont play?
    Biohazard 2 - dies after the intro movie?
    PenPen - resets wont play?
    All Revert to the DC menu screen?

    Space Channel 5 - fine
    Cap Vs Snk 2000 - fine
    Soul Calibur - fine
    F355 - fine
    Daytona - fine
    BioHazard CV - fine
    Crazy Taxi - fine
    Sega rally 2 - fine
    Marvel Vs Capcom2 - fine

    Wtf is happening?

    PAL DC, so far has played:
    (J)Cap Vs Snk 2000 - fine
    (J)Soul Calibur - fine
    (J)Daytona - fine
    Giga Wing - fine
    Gunbird - fine
    Bangai-O -fine
    Virtua tennis -fine

    You can't use RGB Scart with some games...
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
      You can't use RGB Scart with some games...
      Wtf RGB scart, VGA I can understand but RGB thats crazyness

      Any other info?


        No, that's it. Is you use RCA they'll run fine.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          It's mostly JPN Capcom games you need to be wary of.

          Here is a Paragraph from a Japan Gunbird 2 review on the net. Just to give you an idea!
          Importers should also note that the game, similarly to certain other Capcom produced titles, is RGB locked; whether this is representative of the relative rareness of RGB connections in Japan or an attempt by Capcom to control the import market is unclear - what is certain, however, is that UK gamers will need to connect their Dreamcasts via composite or (ideally) S-Video before they can play this game. This is irritating, and while it's a shame to have to give up an RGB connection, there won't be a lot of gamers who intend to buy this game because of its graphics, and so the compromise doesn't take the edge off the game too much.

          So basically buy the NTSC US version or Pal version of JPN RGB locked games.
          Last edited by Pilotwings; 08-03-2009, 13:22.


            Wierdness? Would the option on the DC-X disc to force the other tv option work out then as I'm not certain I have normal cable about?

            Thing that is bugging me the most is why Zombie Revenge lets me play a whole level then kills itself


              I just play those games via VGA. I don't think you can use a boot disc or similar to force it to RGB, but I know there are patched ISOs of the locked games.


                lol fAmmYdOdd


                  Originally posted by Katsujinken View Post
                  Thing that is bugging me the most is why Zombie Revenge lets me play a whole level then kills itself
                  I think it's your DC saving your sanity there then,


                    Have you opened it up and cleaned the power pins recently? (DC resetting problem). If not, give that a go.


                      Originally posted by Holio View Post
                      I think it's your DC saving your sanity there then,
                      Oh how I'd love to find out! The 1st level is somewhat meh, I was hoping it may expand somewhat
                      However there is nothing like finding out for yourself


                        On its own it would sound to me more like the infamous DC resetting problem as charlesr suggests. However two different consoles which have similar issues with certain games would be a coincidence.

                        What I don't understand is why, even if a game doesn't support RGB, there should be any problem using a SCART cable. Wouldn't it just revert to composite which a SCART lead, of course, also supports?

                        In theory it shouldn't matter either whether the TV socket is RGB or just AV composite SCART either. However it might be worth trying out a non-RGB enabled socket just to see if this problem is perhaps a quirk with your particular TV when faced with a non-RGB outpt from a RGB enabled console.

                        If that doesn't work I'd also suggest trying with the DC-X set to select the non-SCART composite AV option. Doubt it will make a differences as the evidence provided doesn't fit but worth a punt just to eliminate it from the possible solutions.


                          Should be possible to force RGB output, I had a patched iso (SSF2X) that did this.

                          @fallenangle - I don't think the DC outputs a normal composite signal when an RGB cable is connected.


                            Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                            On its own it would sound to me more like the infamous DC resetting problem as charlesr suggests. However two different consoles which have similar issues with certain games would be a coincidence.

                            What I don't understand is why, even if a game doesn't support RGB, there should be any problem using a SCART cable. Wouldn't it just revert to composite which a SCART lead, of course, also supports?

                            In theory it shouldn't matter either whether the TV socket is RGB or just AV composite SCART either. However it might be worth trying out a non-RGB enabled socket just to see if this problem is perhaps a quirk with your particular TV when faced with a non-RGB outpt from a RGB enabled console.

                            If that doesn't work I'd also suggest trying with the DC-X set to select the non-SCART composite AV option. Doubt it will make a differences as the evidence provided doesn't fit but worth a punt just to eliminate it from the possible solutions.
                            The official Dreamcast RGB cable doesn't have the pin for Composite video wired up.


                              Try booting with composite - then changing to RGB once you are playing. I think that worked for me with Gaunlet Legends.

