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Medal of Honor:Call of Duty demo (PC)

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    Medal of Honor:Call of Duty demo (PC)

    Anyone else try it yet? I went through the fairly short demo yesterday and thought it was really cool. If you liked MOHAA then you should definitely try it out because it's more of the same, only on a larger scale and it really feels as if there's a war going on around you this time. The AI of your team-mates seems to be improved aswell although I swear most of my men died earlier on, yet each time I turned a corner there were 5 more waiting for me.

    Be warned though, if you have a Geforce2 Pro like myself then you'll be looking at minimum detail in order to get a playable frame-rate otherwise your looking at constant lock-ups.

    It's not a Medal of Honor game, but standalone from Activision...

    tried the demo and really enjoyed it... reminded me of a WWII version of Black Hawk Down...

    and that's a good thing...

    didn't look as scripted as MoH, or at least, didn't *seem* as scripted... and the team dynamics seems to work really well...

    this is now on my must have list...


      Halfway through dling this, will give it a go later on today, methinks. Also, to clarify further, Call of Duty is not a Medal of Honor game, it's just being developed by a quite a few people who are ex-2015, the team behind MOHAA on PC.


        Some thoughts..

        Just played through this 'controversial' demo from Activision. I might be wrong but I think the game was created by ex-MOH team members. If it is, it really shows!

        The download is 174meg and got be gotten from among other places. The spec is as follows..

        3D Hardware Accelerator Card required ? 100% DirectX? 9.0a compatible 32MB Hardware T&L-capable video card and drivers*

        Pentium? III 700 or Athlon? processor or higher

        English version of Microsoft? Windows? 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP

        128MB of RAM

        x8 Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers

        181MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 200MB for Windows swap file)

        100% DirectX? 9.0a compatible 16 bit sound card and drivers

        100% Windows? 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers

        DirectX? 9.0a (not included)

        I'm running it fine in 800x600 on a Athlon 1.4 + GeForce 3 card.


        The demo is very short and chaos wise, plays similar to the Omaha Beach mission in MOH:AA. You start in a trench, at night, on the outskirts of a French villiage that has been overrun by Nazis. Working your way across a green while under fire along side a number of AI controlled compatriots. There's the usual screaming from the Sarge along with a number of soldiers being gunned down.

        Through a Nazi infested house and out into a street. Further fire fights take place until you've cleared an area surrounding a large gun emplacement. You drop a charge, retreat and watch it blow. Through more houses, more shooting, same again. You're ably backed up by your fellow soldiers throughout the mission and they appear to at least get stuck in and have a go. The mission ends when three emplacements have been blown.

        Looks and plays fine, good feeling of chaos and panic. The AI soldiers do their job fine too, though there is nothing too taxing for them to really do in this demo mission save to shout orders, follow paths and shoot anything that isn't one of their own.

        The graphics looks sharper and cleaner that MOH:AA but that game is 18 months old now. Not sure who's engine they're using buy I did hear it was the RTCW one, which was a modified Quake 3 engine. (which MOH:AA used)

        Kudos to the excellent sound effects. Explosions, bullets, ricochets are all great.

        Weapons - 2 Grenade types, a handgun, a single firing rifle and a sub-machine gun. All work fine with the hand gun being quite the powerhouse I found.

        That's really it to be honest. The atmosphere is great but nothing we haven't seen before in MOH:AA. This level reminds me of the villiage raid in that game, save for it being at night and the area being largely under fire/on fire/demolished.

        The enemy retreats, ducks behind things and sneaks around to shoot you in the back whenever possible.

        One to watch out for but it'll need a bit more innovation for it to seem anything more than a MOH addon disc.


          I enjoyed it, if it didn't run like a slideshow on my comp then I'd buy it for sure. Good atmosphere and sound effects. Reminds me of Band Of Brothers.


            Call of duty was one of the big surprises at the recent quakecon in america. Theirs a fare amount of buzz surrounding this game within the fps gaming clans at the moment.
            Quite a few gamers who made the trip to america originaly to see doom3, apparently fell under the spell of C.O.D, and its not hard to see why.

            As a clan player (sof2 and bf1942), i am constantly waiting for the next big game to play online. Looks like Call of duty could fulfill that need.

            I preordered my HL2 last week, as soon as a release date comes for C.O.D, i'll be preordering that game as well.


              Did anyone else notice that your troops keep respawning so you always have a full squad. This kind of ruins the whole sense of tension for me and I hope you can turn it off in the full version.

              Apart from that I loved the demo, the atmosphere is terrific and the comp A.I does it's job admirably. Can't wait for the full game and also to see how they handle multiplayer.




                I really enjoyed it. While the Q3A engine has never failed to impress me they have definately done a fantastic job in getting more detail and performance out of it.

                Feels a bit scripted at times, which was one of hte major flaws of MOH:AA imo, but overall it is damn good and a definate purchase.


                  The engine used for this game is so far in advance of the Q3 engine, that you could barely call it the same.

                  Apparently only the basic framework and networking code remains of the old Q3 engine, as most other aspects have been totally re written from scratch. The new coding techniques allow for vastly improved open landscapes, and effects which are dependent on transform and lighting hardware, something the old Q3 engine never had.

                  Expect C.O.D to look and feel well in advance of any Q3 game yet produced.


                    I'm surprised that others are seeing this game run slowly - on my Athlon 900/GeForce2 combo (not exactly top of the range) it ran just fine at 1024x768. I didn't have everything turned way up, but I had all the default stuff on, and it looked rather spiffing.


                      Yep, my puter is in need of an upgrade, but it still ran this demo without any problems at all.

                      Very smooth in fact. A lot better than that rubbish that is BF1942

                      Good demo, if a bit short. It has a lot more pace than MOH:AA, which is good, and a decent jump

