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Xbox media player question

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    Xbox media player question

    I have my lovely new modded Xbox all up and running (thankyou Yod@) and have FTP'd a lot of movies to the HDD ok

    I have noticed with the first 2 I tried (ST Nemesis and Jackass) that the image size format keeps flickering between different ratios - I tried changing the strectch, zoom and anamorphic settings from media player but this hasn't fixed it.

    Any ideas what's going on or how to stop it? I have a sony TV and have tried forcing it to one ratio rather than 'smart' - that didn't do it either....

    Did you use the calibration option yet?


      Originally posted by Firsty
      Did you use the calibration option yet?
      don't know - how do I get into that?


        Well I've set the calibration, tried changing all other options I can see and it's still flicking between screen heights all the time.

        Most annoying as it seems to be really good quality apart from this

        I also tried changing the scart input, and have tried all the TV aspect ratio settings to no avail...

        pleeease help me

