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Funny angle on TV screen.

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    Funny angle on TV screen.

    When playing my GC on my Panasonic 32" the screen is squashed slightly in the corners of the tv. And I think it's effecting the visuals quite badly. They don't look as crisp.


    Not as bad as that. But that's a rough diagram to show what I mean.

    It's a US Cube. Would a Modded RGB lead fix it?

    Also, is it possible to get a Modded RGB lead with seperate phonos out?


    Another thing. My TV only has one RGB input, and when I watch a film or DVD on the Xbox through that it's fine and there's no squashness. (Is that a word?)


      What video lead are you using? S-video or composite? Is it plugged into the same SCART port on the TV?

      It would be worth upgrading to the custom RGB lead, the digital cube output for component and RGB is amazing! I think Saurian is making these again, if you ask him he should be able to add the phonos out.


        Just using the basic coposite lead at the minute. What a beast it is!

        I've tried moving it about just incase it's the pins but I don't think it's that.

        I've got a problem though.

        If i do get it. I'll need to get one of those scart switches to switch between RGB Xbox, DVD and GC.

        What lead will I need to get to connect the switch box to my TV? It will be a Scart to Scart lead won't it? Does it have to have 21 pins? And I suppose it would have to support RGb too, yeah?

        Sorry for all the Qs.


          Originally posted by 007
          What lead will I need to get to connect the switch box to my TV? It will be a Scart to Scart lead won't it? Does it have to have 21 pins? And I suppose it would have to support RGb too, yeah?

          Sorry for all the Qs.
          These questions were all answered in a previous topic of yours:

          As for the squashed picture problem.. I am not so sure.


            the argos switcher is the most popular one:

            1&catalogId=1001&productId=60608&Trail=C$catgroup_ id_parent=8280>C$catgroup_id_parent=

            and yes you would need a fully wired scart lead to hook it to your tele.

            Its possible that the cube could be at fault, but you would need the RGB lead inorder to test this, or another composite source. Do you have the composite lead that came with your Xbox? If so see if that gives the same problem. If not, then its possible that its the cube (but you would still need the RGB lead for the cube to be sure).

            edit: whoops


              My old Sony pinches the top inch or so inwards on 60Hz sources, which is a pain. Its nowhere near as bad as you describe, however; I strongly suspect you need to get into the service mode and recalibrate.

              Or, if you don't know what you're doing in there, get someone who does; its blimmin' dangerous to play with.


                Tank, fer the love of god, can you shortcut that URL?

                Sounds like you just need the geometry adjusting for 60Hz sources. Do you put anything else through it using 60Hz NTSC or RGB that you can compare?

                Not sure if that would affect your 50Hz stuff though, that would be bad. Probably varies by TV.


                  Found it.

                  There's an option in the menu for adjusting the alignment angle and stuff.

                  All fixed now.

                  I'm still going to get a Modded RGB lead though.

                  Can you recomend me a Scart to Scart lead please that will do the RGB job nicely? Do argos do one?



                    this is the one I used to use:

                    1&catalogId=1001&productId=62144&Trail=C$catgroup_ id_parent=8280>
                    C$catgroup_id_parent=8281>C$catgroup_id_parent= 8283&categoryId=8283

                    its ok, but you *might* get a better picture with a more expensive cable, depends if you want to spend the extra cash. I now use a mix of IXOS and Monster cables.


                      TANK! Use the URL tag man!

                      Like this.... replace { with square brackets of course


                      makes your link above nice and short


                        Gold plated SCART lead.

                        Superior connection between your TV and VCR/DVD to enhance sound and picture quality.
                        No mention of RGB though.

                        Does it ned to state it will support it? Or will all 21 pin Gold Scarts support it?

                        Cheers for the link.

                        Will a place like Hughes electrical have a decent Scart to scart?

                        Cheers for your help fellas.

                        I'm going to contact saurian very soon.


                          Any fully wired SCART by definition will carry RGB.


                            Nice one.

                            All sorted now.

