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Where to get official Nintendo Game Boy Micro Game Link Cable?

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    Where to get official Nintendo Game Boy Micro Game Link Cable?

    Hi there,

    Does anyone know where to get official Nintendo Game Boy Micro Game Link cables, please?

    I want to make a Gamecube to Game Boy Micro cable, as described on the Cheap Ass Gamer forums, for playing Pac-Man Vs. with a GB Micro.

    I've found a suitable Nyko "CubeLink" Gamecube to Gameboy Advance cable to cut up (although I'd be interested in another, if anyone has one for sale), but I can't see how to distinguish official Nintendo Game Boy Micro Game Link cables when I see them on eBay (not that there are many listed, anyway).

    Nintendo seem still to offer these for sale on their US site, but I can't find them on any European Nintendo site, or anywhere else for that matter.

    Just to be clear, I think these are the cables for linking two Gameboy Micros together for playing multiplayer GBA games. Unofficial cables apparently don't wire a couple of contacts, because they're not actually used when linking like this. But the official cables apparently do wire them up, even though they're not used. When connecting a Gamecube to a GBA these contacts are used, so that's why this kind of cable is necessary to hack together a Gamecube to Game Boy Micro cable. I hope that's clear. :/
    AIUI Nintendo never made official Gamecube to Game Boy Micro cables.

    If anyone could point me towards finding official Nintendo Game Boy Micro Game Link cables, I would be immensely grateful. I would also be glad if anyone can help me identify them, as it may be possible to find them secondhand, if one knows what to look for.

    Many thanks for reading, and many thanks in advance to anyone who can offer suggestions.


    I looked into this a last year for the same reason as you, and im afraid to say they were only available from the Nintendo USA online store, or at retail in Japan

    In the cheapassgamer thread the OP even had problems getting enough of them to mod because Nintendo's online store has a limit of how many one person can buy, and he ended up having to get other people in the USA to buy them for him and send them onto him, just to get around the limit.

    As they were not sold at retail in Europe or the USA you are very unlikely to find them on eBay

    However they do show up on Yahoo Japan auctions as the the cables were sold at retail in Japan. The only auction I can find at the second is this one:-

    (That also includes the GBA to GB Micro Conversion cable and Micro Wireless adaptor, but at least it gives you an idea of what your looking for)

    I found that by using the Gameboy Micro Link Cables product code which is 'OXY-008', which I found out from here:-

    Although I think the most likely/easiest way you would be able to get one is by having a friend in the USA who would be willing to order it for you from Nintendo's online store and then to send it on
    Last edited by Link83; 20-06-2009, 13:06.


      Thanks for taking the time for such a comprehensive reply, Link. At least it saves me from looking on eBay.

      I'm trying to work out who I know in the US, and coming up blank at the moment.

      Japanese auctions aren't great for me, as I don't speak the language at all.



        If you had posted this last week I could have trawled Akihabara for you and picked up as many as I could find.

        Do they ship to Canada as well as the US? If they do, I might be able to help you.


          You can also use a 4-player GBM link cable made by Dragon or Mad Catz to make a GC-->GBM cable, but you have to use TCCPhreak's method to make them GameCube powered. Please refer to the homepage he dedicated just to this purpose:

          Even these 4-player cables are getting a little scarce, but you can buy one here: They are of the brand Dragon I checked with the storeowner.

          I've ordered one myself and I'm going to borrow a soldering iron from one of my friends soon. Hope it will work, because I'm getting obsessed with the idea of playing Zelda: Four Swords adventures with my GBM
          Last edited by lapthom; 31-10-2009, 19:42.


            Thanks for all the info in this thread, and sorry for resurrecting it.

            After some pretty fiddly soldering and a fair bit of head scratching I've now got two GC -> GBM cables. They're definitely not the prettiest of cables, but they work perfectly. In addition they happen to be nigh on indestructible after being covered in epoxy-resin/plastic tubing and the like!

            I used a Dragon 4-player GBM cable found here...

   well 'Big Ben' brand GC -> GBA cables.

            TCCPhreak's info. was invaluable - though it did take a while for it to all sink in.

            For anyone else interested in using the Dragon cables, this is the correct wiring (correct on TCCPhreak's site, just labelled vaguely):

            Attached Files

