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A PSP question

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    A PSP question

    Why can't I play FFVII on my PSP?
    I have DL'd it to the PS3 from the store, and it all plays fine on my big TV. Soooo, I bought a mem card for my PSP with more than enough room for the game. I connected it to the PS3, selected copy from the menu and it DL'd to the handheld...
    Or so it would have me believe. When I select the game on the PSP menu it keeps telling me I can't play because the data is corrupted.

    It's a Sandisk card, the PSP is just a regular non modified one (Perhaps the only one in existence?!) and the game is a legal download from the Playstation store.

    So, why, why I ask you dear forum members am I being punished for playing fair?
    Oh and I bought the card from so I'm guessing it's not a fake.
    Last edited by jimmbob; 07-07-2009, 15:32.

    How big is the card? Sony says there has to be at least the same amount of space as the game you're trying to play.
    i.e. 1.7GB game needs ANOTHER 1.7GB of free space.


      The card is 2G. And the game is something like 1.6?

      So I'd basically need a 4 or higher?


        You've got the same PSN account on the PSP as on the PS3 right boy?
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          He wouldn't get a "data is corrupted" message if it was DRM related no?

          Whilst you say you bought the card from Play you should probably doublecheck it's not a fake. Go to your game menu on your PSP, highlight the Memory Stick option, press Triangle then select Information.

          You want to make sure that that MagicGate option says Supported.


            Fake card shouldn't matter anyway provided the space is ample. I've just tried it myself. I'm running an official firmware PSP-3000. Maybe the copying process corrupted. I'd say delete and re-copy. The matching account thing applies though. Both units should be current firmware, and the PSP should be registered and activated via the PS3.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              try formating the card in a pc and then the psp, one of my old sandisk cards did the same thing.


                Morning all.
                After much faffing about it transpires that the PSP firmware was prehistoric. After an upgrade via the net it dl'd FFVII fine.
                Thanks once again all.


                  psp memory prob?

                  I have a memory card in my PSP which has 7771 MB left.

                  Apparently this is not enough to play Lego Star Wars II.


                  Sorry, hijacked thread...


                    Known issue. Use a smaller card or fill that one up with stuff so that there's less than 4 gig remaining. Sounds like <geek>the devs are using a 32 bit integer to store the amount of free space</geek>


                      Bloody ridicolous!

