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PS3 download shenanigans

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    PS3 download shenanigans

    My original PS3 in the bedroom has Super Stardust HD on it which i bought and downloaded. I would now like to play it in the living room on my other one, yet it seems i have to buy it again. Is there an option to re download it again, or do i simply have to pay twice?

    I found download history but it simply isn't listed in there.

    On the 360 you can do it, fanboys.

    Each game license allows games to be downloaded to five different machines at any time, just sign in on the second machine with the ID that you originally used to buy the game.

    I should point out that I've not tried it with that game but I've never had any problems with any others.
    Last edited by JP; 27-07-2009, 22:28.


      Doesn't Super Star Dust work slightly different from other PSN downloads, if I recall, I was redirected to the developers site to download a registration key once I'd bought the game.


        Originally posted by Pharfetchd View Post
        Doesn't Super Star Dust work slightly different from other PSN downloads, if I recall, I was redirected to the developers site to download a registration key once I'd bought the game.
        I don't recall any PSN game requiring me to do that, and I have SSHD.

        Are you sure you're signing in with the right account (You should be able to check who the owner of the account is, by hitting Triangle on the icon in the XMB (Although this doesn't work for all games I've noticed))?
        Last edited by Number45; 28-07-2009, 06:39.


          My original ps3 died but I Was able to re download sshd on the new unit when it got replaced. Is there anything else missing from your download history?


            Just had a brainwave and the only thing it can be is i bought it using my US account on the US machine, and the UK account is signed in, and the Jpn machine only has the UK account on it.

            I'll try that, thought it was a little odd.


              Originally posted by Number45 View Post
              I don't recall any PSN game requiring me to do that, and I have SSHD.
              It definitely did something different, I think I got some kind of disclaimer telling me that the item needed to be bought via a different method other than the usual PSN one, something to do with the devs own method of payment, it was ages since I bought it so can't remember exactly how it was but it was different.

              Edit: Just checked my download history, you should have a demo download and also an unlock key
              Last edited by Phar; 28-07-2009, 09:35.


                Silly me.

                I downloaded it with my US account (was cheaper at the time i think) on the US machine, and hadn't set that account up on the Jpn machine. Done it now after much password reseting, and downloaded it straight away.

                Didn't need a key or anything like that though

                Next question, does anyone know if you can change the button configuration on PS3's? Drives me insane having O as X on the Jpn one.


                  O is go. X is no.

                  Lol, you can only swap buttons on test units Nick.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?

