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Mac Music and external HD help

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    Mac Music and external HD help

    Right, ive got an external hard drive that i want to use to back up all my pics and music from the Macbook.

    Ive moved across my pictures fine. The music im having huge issues with though as it says i dont have permission to move a number of the files. I have no idea why this is, although studying some of my files and albums within Artist folders some do appear to still have little locks on, despite me taking time a while back to get rid of most of these (after i had moved everything from my PC). Ive also tried selecting the whole 'My music' folder and playing with the settings on it, but no joy.

    Im the admin user on the machine so dont know why its still giving me issues. Do i have to manually find every album that has a lock next to it and take them off one by one?! Why are the locks even there in the first place?

    Im also noticing that it rarely gives me the option to cut various files on the computer when i want to move folders to various USB sticks and vice versa. Why is this? It only seems to let me copy stuff.

    Any help would be much appreciated as its getting right on my nerves now!

    Have you tried just using time machine for all your back ups as that will back the whole machine up, including all your pics and music etc?


      Yeah, still getting an error message though saying the files are locked to me or something.


        Ok this is from memory so bits will be wrong but....

        1. In the Finder navigate to the folder that contains all your music.
        2. Get Info on that folder
        3. Toward the bottom of the info window will be a "Sharing and Permissions" section (might need to click the black triangle to reveal this option)
        4. Click on the padlock symbol and type in your password when asked to do so.
        5. Find the user "Everybody" and set the permissions to "read and write"
        6. Click on the little gear icon and choose "apply to all child items"

        That should do it. Some of the wording I used won't be dead on but you should suss it out from that.


          Thanks mate. Im pretty sure ive tried that alreayd, but will give it a whirl again and see if it sorts it. Maybe i was missing out the 6th stage you list or something. Fingers crossed.


            Genius, that seems to have worked a treat. I think it was because i had the 'everyone' setting on read only.

            Nice one mate, cheers.


              No probs, glad it's sorted.

