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XBox Hard Drive Question

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    XBox Hard Drive Question

    Apologies if this is really obvious - but - my X hard drive says that out of 50000 blocks of memory, I have 50000 available - despite the fact that I have a couple of game saves on there. Any idea why? Or is this normal (not had it long you see)

    bizarrely, it doesn't show how much space you have left until you have fewer than 50000 blocks.


      Originally posted by Papercut
      bizarrely, it doesn't show how much space you have left until you have fewer than 50000 blocks.
      So it has more than 50000 blocks - suddenly everything is clear; cheers fella


        I made an FAQ for GameFaqs on how to get Mp3s To Your Xbox as a lot of people ask about it, here is a bit from it

        "I was curies as to how many songs the HD could hold so I copied ten CDs to it. This took some time so I then copied all the music on the Hard Disk to one directory, this was a much quicker way of doubling the up music already on the disk. I kept repeating this processes and I found the Xbox would only let you hold 500 songs per directory, so once I fill up a directory I copied all the songs in it to a new directory.
        In the End the Xbox took 1752 songs a total of 311,414 blocks, I also had about 8 games saves so I added all the blocks up and got a grant total of 312,484 Blocks with only 1 block free, I?m not sure if this is the limit of every Xbox or it varies slightly"

        So It seems the the Xbox (or my Xbox) has 311,485 thats a dam lot.. anywayz they never did post my Faq ft:

