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Constant disconnections from PSN

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    Constant disconnections from PSN

    I opened all the ports listed on the official Playstation site. I have configured the PS3 to have a static IP, and have disabled uPnP in both the router and the PS3. I put the PS3 IP in the routers DMZ. I first tried all this using a Linksys WAG354G modem router, wired, and still got constant disconnections. I tried updating the firmware on my router and that killed the router, so I bought a new one today (a Linksys WAG54G2). Before configuring anything, I updated it to the latest firmware. I then confirgured it exactly as the old router and also unchecked the 'Block Anonymous Internet Requests' checkbox that several other forums have suggested. Despite all this, I am still getting the constant disconnections from PSN. So, £55 lighter and several wasted hours later I'm at a complete dead-end. Anyone have any ideas? I have 3 other wired connections to this router, and 4 wireless connections, and all connections apart from the PS3 one work flawlessly (including Xbox Live).

    Also, does anyone know how I might be able to try updating the firmware again on my old router (WAG354G) without having to be logged into it so I can at least sell the thing?
    Last edited by bcass; 02-08-2009, 14:53.

    I assume your PC connects to the internet without interruption?

    I assume from the model numbers that you're on ADSL. IME the best router for ADSL is Netgear's DG834G. It has a log which you can look at and see if it's losing sync, making the router reconnect. It's worth checking to make sure that this isn't the case - I guess it's possible the PS3 is more sensitive to reconnects than your other applications.

    Is the PS3 about the same distance from the router as the other wireless devices?
    (I assume you're connecting wirelessly?)
    Try changing the network channel - 1, 3, 6, 9, 11.

    What's the problem with logging on to your old router to upgrade its firmware. Download the firmware on a wired PC, swap the PC's ethernet cable from the new router to the old one, go to the router's admin page at or whatever, upload firmware using the appropriate page / button in the web-based user-interface, wait until it reboots & shows the correct firmware in the status page, change connections back again.



      I'd never use wireless personally for a console, I'd try other DNS servers too.


        Originally posted by Strolls View Post
        I assume your PC connects to the internet without interruption?
        Yes. All my wired and wireless devices connect and remain connected without error.

        Originally posted by Strolls View Post
        I assume from the model numbers that you're on ADSL. IME the best router for ADSL is Netgear's DG834G. It has a log which you can look at and see if it's losing sync, making the router reconnect. It's worth checking to make sure that this isn't the case - I guess it's possible the PS3 is more sensitive to reconnects than your other applications.

        Is the PS3 about the same distance from the router as the other wireless devices?
        (I assume you're connecting wirelessly?)
        Try changing the network channel - 1, 3, 6, 9, 11.
        I'm using a wired connection to my PS3, not wireless.

        Originally posted by Strolls View Post
        What's the problem with logging on to your old router to upgrade its firmware. Download the firmware on a wired PC, swap the PC's ethernet cable from the new router to the old one, go to the router's admin page at or whatever, upload firmware using the appropriate page / button in the web-based user-interface, wait until it reboots & shows the correct firmware in the status page, change connections back again.
        I can no longer get into the routers admin page(s). When I turn the old router on, the power light turns red. When I try to log in to it, it just times-out. The firmware is corrupt as a result of the failed flash update. I was hoping that there would be some sort of utility that would allow me to reflash the firmware without having to be logged-in to the device.


          Oh, and when I do the internet connection test from within the PS3, all tests pass successfully, with the correct NAT type (type 2).


            Originally posted by bcass View Post
            Yes. All my wired and wireless devices connect and remain connected without error.
            Right. They remain connected to the router without error, but are you sure the router isn't dropping the connection to the internet?

            You seem fairly competent, so it seems a little unlikely. But it's the first thing I'd be looking at if I were seeing this, so you ought to make sure of it.

            Originally posted by bcass View Post
            I can no longer get into the routers admin page(s). When I turn the old router on, the power light turns red. When I try to log in to it, it just times-out. The firmware is corrupt as a result of the failed flash update. I was hoping that there would be some sort of utility that would allow me to reflash the firmware without having to be logged-in to the device.
            Yeah, the search keyword for this kind of procedure is "debrick", eg: WAG354G debrick. I can follow these instructions, but I'd be following the link for Linux users. There are Windows instructions on that page, but a bit of searching may find you some which utilise a graphical tftp client & which are illustrated with pretty pictures.



              I'm pretty certain that it isn't my connection constantly disconnecting. Up until a few weeks ago when I got this PS3, I usually played Halo 3 online (a lot) over the last year or so and I don't get this constant disconnecting on the 360. If it kept disconnecting I'd be seeing the signing-in/signing-out messages every ten minutes, and this simply isn't the case. The PS3 disconnects quite soon after signing-in (usually after just a few minutes). It's really starting to annoy me now, because when the disconnection happens on the PS3, it doesn't automatically reconnect (there's an auto-sign-in option, but no auto-reconnect option). I've been playing Wipout HD a lot, and when it signs you out of PSN, it only logs the word 'PLAYER' against your best times instead of your PS3 username or PSN username.

              Oh, and thanks a lot for those links, I'll have a stab at that tomorrow.


                What 800 error do you get from the ps3?


                  8002A535 and 8002A548

                  I have even tried disabling Media Servers on the PS3 as I use TVersity to stream media from my PC to my 360 and PS3, but alas, the error persists.
                  Last edited by bcass; 05-08-2009, 15:05.


                    Hmm well thank god its not 8002AD23, my nemesis.

                    Have you tried the connection on a usa/jpn account (if you have them prior) i remembered when i had that 8002A...that error that shall not be named...problem, it wouldnt happen on my jpn/usa psn accounts, weird no? However if i crated a new account whatever region after the error began happening, that account would also be affected, so unless you already have usa/jpn psn accounts i wouldnt bother.

                    alot of this trouble i swear is PSN related, its little comfort thou since it means you,us, the end users can do nothing about it, rining up and telling them never hurt thou


                      I think I've managed to sort it. The problem seems to have been that I was using eMule on my PC whilst logged-in to PSN. Now, before you mock me for having any file-sharing apps running whilst using an online games service, I always throttle eMule to just a few kbps up/down when playing online and it has never affected online play when playing online with my Wii or 360. It first arose suspicion when I was checking that non of my PC apps were using the same ports as the PS3. Anyway, I decided to clsoe eMule and lo and behold, signing-in to PSN was almost instant and I played a few hours of Wipeout HD without any loss of PSN connection, so I guess that's that mystery solved!

