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pal-50/pal-60, 360 won't let me change

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    pal-50/pal-60, 360 won't let me change

    Picked up Hitman blood money today and have been looking forward to playing it all evening, finally got round to it only to be confronted by a message from my 360 telling me the game doesn't support pal-50 and i should swith to pal-60 in the display settings, the only problem is there is no option to do this, i'm using a hdmi cable at 720p, and in settings the option 'screen format' which i suspect is where you'd normally change the pal-50/60 setting is greyed out, anyone got any idea how i can get past this or am i missing something?

    You need to connect a Composite cable and change it on there.

    It is silly.


      What a pain in the arse, my composite cable was in the box for the 360 at the bottom of my bed (where it's been for about a year), up until about 2 hours ago when i decided to have a proper cleanup and put all the crap i don't use in the attick, bloody sods law!!!

      Thanks for the info anyway, gonna go dig it out now


        Right, got the component cable out, plugged it in and still no joy, just no option at all to change pal setting, everytime i change the output it just say it will now be tested to see if your tv supports 50hz. Then i realized you said composite, so i'm thinking you mean just using scart, so i've plugged the red white and yellow into a scart block then into the tv, and now there's just a blank screen, the sounds ok cos i can hear the noises as i navigate through the menu's. It's getting late so I'm giving up for the evening, but if you or anybody has anymore ideas i'd be grateful to hear them, many thanks in advance


          Have you flicked the switch on the end of the cable that goes into your Xbox to HD from SD?

          MS support page


            [QUOTE=plopboy;1582234]Have you flicked the switch on the end of the cable that goes into your Xbox to HD from SD?[QUOTE]

            No I didn't because I am a div, but i've done it now and it's all sorted, can i switch back to hdmi or flick back to hdtv now or will that cause it to revert back to pal-50? Slightly thick at this but I'm learning!


              You should be fine now with any connection. It's just a bug in a few games that causes them to check the PAL60 flag even when you're running in HD.


                Cheers for that, all sorted now, and happily playing using hdmi.


                  Wow, that astonishingly weird menu design.

