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Jedi Academy Demo

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    Jedi Academy Demo

    Just been released today for anyone who doesn`t know and who hasn`t downloaded the leaked version already. Just in the process of downloading now so will post my thoughts later. Anyone want a decent download site try you always get a good DL speed there.

    If you want an insanely fast mirror with no wait times and resumes, then use Anonymous access, the JA demo is in blueyondergames/demos, along with pretty much every other demo. A good tip for when new demos come out, check this site first before other places.


      /me downloads...

      Prepare yourself for the definitive (i.e. mine) verdict on this title later on today.


        Well it strikes me that anyone who hated Jedi Outcast is likely to hate this, given it uses a largely similar engine and has been handled by the same developer. And since said game sold by the bucketload, received masses of critical acclaim and had a strong following online, one would suggest that Raven won't be horrendously inclined to gut the entire game according to the so-called `definitive` opinion that was very much in the minority


          Yes. Because of course popularity and critical acclaim of hyped, film-liceenced titles mean so much - Enter the Matrix being a case in point...

          Anyway, I've been playing this demo for a good solid while and it appears that they've actually taken most of my (and anyone else who likes decent games that use strange concepts such as decent level design, a difficulty curve that goes up instead of down and mutliplayer which isn't completely **** - y'know. Like how the 1997 original was?) criticisms on board this time around. I wasn't particularly impressed by the level on Mos Eisley, which was repetitive and boring and followed the "Last half of Halo"-style repetition of exactly the same rooms. But well done for putting Chewie in there, even if he doesn't really do much. Ruuugh!

          But the second level with the cultists is rather good indeed, although it could certainly use a surround system on my PC to understand where ambushes are coming from. They've improved the lightsaber combat ten-fold and the enemies are a darn sight more than the cannon fodder they were last time out. Some of their moves are really devious like the "grip-in-the-air, lob-saber" technique. They also work as a team too, which has further interesting connotations.

          The only real criticism is that they haven't sorted out the rather floaty movement of the characters. Also worrying was the number of glitches and bugs. With the game having gone gold a couple of weeks ago, I'd hope that this is a really old build or else we'll be applying a rather hefty patch come September 19th.

          So looking forward to it then. They'd better not let me down this time.


            Can`t say this demo really gripped me that much. I found the level design and environments rather bland but the light saber fights are good fun and like how you can switch from double saber to single saber. Also is there any point in usings weapons as you have to be very accurate and pump 5 shots into them before they go down where with the light saber you can take them straight out. Think i`ll give it a miss.


              Originally posted by Burai
              So looking forward to it then. They'd better not let me down this time.
              I hope so too. I don't know if I could stand to hear a new batch of bitching about a Raven deved Jedi Knight game...


                Originally posted by Hodge
                Also is there any point in usings weapons as you have to be very accurate and pump 5 shots into them before they go down where with the light saber you can take them straight out.
                Thats kind of the point, isn't it?


                  Well just finished the game, so heres a few impressions. Bearing in mind that i'm one of the peeps who actually really enjoyed outcast, i was kinda looking forward to a few steps forward from raven, unfortunatly its more like a few yards backwards in the case of academy.

                  One thing that strikes you once you start playing, is how similar this looks to oucast. Almost all the main characters look as though they were ripped straight from the previous title(a 1 year old game) and a year in pc graphics is a long time. Facial expressions are stiff and laughable and animation is very average, unless your in a saber fight. I swear there are textures present in this game, that have'nt been seen since the N64!! Very shabby imo.

                  Outcast contained some seriously impressive imperial levels, both in look and feel. Some levels were huge, complicated and sprawling affairs which added to the feeling of tangling with the empire. Unfortunately this hasnt made the transition to academy, in this game the levels are pitifully childlike in construction. Apart from one or two levels, the majority are linear in the extreme, puzzles are few and alternative routes are non-existant. I found myself on more than one occasion just running through some levels only stopping to flick the occasional switch here and there. level design here feels 5 years old at least.(in fact that last statement doesnt do justice to games like duke nuke'em, doom, quake and jk 2)

                  Sound is one area where what you expect is what you get, typical star wars fare in all departments, blasters sound like blasters and sabers sound like sabers. Nothing new or improved since outcast, at least not that i was aware of.

                  A good story can usually make or break a good game, unfortunately the story here is practically non existent. It's so thin you play most of the game not actually knowing why your playing. The empire have a side role here thats never fully explained, and cutscenes containing dialogue are short and unfeeling. The final boss in the game will have outcast players feeling a little pissed and annoyed that raven didnt give them the option of finishing said person off in the last game. Therefore saving them the unfortunate time, minimal effort and money playing this shambles.

                  Much has been made of the "create your own jedi" option at the start of the game. Well dont get to excited guys, what you actually get is 3 male types and 3 female types and about six costumes to dress them in, and not exactly well designed costumes either. then you can select your saber hilt and color, and well! thats it really. Nothing indepth or ground breaking, nothing other than the abbility to play as a twi'lek female in a black leather bra!!!! whoopi fooking do!!! thx raven for the obvious effort or lack of invested in the developement of the game.

                  Now we get to the good bit, the saber fights. Well as to be expected really, they were hardly gonna fakk this bit up. Saber fights feel much more accomplished this time round, with set moves list depending on which type of saber you have. Half way through the game you get to determin your saber type and style from a choice of 3 types. The normal jedi single blade, the darth maul double ended saber, or the anakin duel saber(a single saber in each hand). Thankfully all 3 types feel very different and come with pre defined sets of moves and animations.
                  I picked the double ended maul type , and before long i started noticing animation strings ripped straight from episode 1, its one area of the game where animation is of decent quality, Combat with sabers feels just that more polished this time.

                  One thing that annoys me about star wars related games is the fmv in cut scenes!!! ITS FOOKING ****E AS ALWAYS!! For a corporation like lucasarts, with millions invested in high tech movie houses, cutting edge special effects dept's and audio. Every single lucasarts game is the same these days, the fmv is crap and only detracts from the overall experience of the star wars universe. Very very shabby.

                  Purchase at your peril lads

                  p.s. thank the lord for broadband


                    Originally posted by *PrYzM*
                    One thing that annoys me about star wars related games is the fmv in cut scenes!!! ITS FOOKING ****E AS ALWAYS!! For a corporation like lucasarts, with millions invested in high tech movie houses, cutting edge special effects dept's and audio. Every single lucasarts game is the same these days, the fmv is crap and only detracts from the overall experience of the star wars universe. Very very shabby.
                    Isn't LucasArts just the publisher? I'd imagine Raven had to do all the FMV themselves. Could be wrong there.


                      Lucasarts are probably just the publisher here, but i read somewhere that lucas has strict control over what devs can and cant put in a star wars related game. Seeing as how star wars has been a major franchise for nearly 30 years, you'd think that lucasarts would invest a little more interest in what software houses are churning out in their name.

                      Considering the rising quality of FMV in games across all formats in general these days, its a shame that lucasarts games by and large still use the same quality FMV that was being used a decade ago.


                        hmm, sounds ****e :/

                        Everyone join me on SWG instead. I bought a house last night!


                          Is galaxies any good then Stu? Been thinking of getting it for a while but with all the bugs people are going on about and the lack of things to do has put me of buying it. Plus the game looks huge and complicated, how long does it take to get the hang of things and how much is it a month BTW?


                            Originally posted by JRMacumber
                            Originally posted by Hodge
                            Also is there any point in usings weapons as you have to be very accurate and pump 5 shots into them before they go down where with the light saber you can take them straight out.
                            Thats kind of the point, isn't it?
                            What that it takes 3 head shots and 2 body shots before they go down?


                              The people pissing and moaning about the bugs (of which I've only encountered a couple, and have been resolved quickly) are those who have never played a launch mmorpg before, or even a mmorpg at all. Sorry folks, these games are way and beyond more complex than your Fzero et al - the difference between each mmorpg is the quality of the dev team behind it and their ability to resolve issues. Lucasarts are very responsive, and I've gathered that from only a week's play. CCP (guys behind EVE) are utterly lethargic, in comparison. Mightygames (Jumpgate) were really slow too.

                              I'm having fun in SWG, and it's not just because "it's star wars". I'm a scout with teh rifle skillz, I like sneaking about and hunting stuff. In that respect, I've got "something to do". From what I've seen, there's plenty of stuff to do if you're into the whole faction (Imp vs Rebel) thing, too. There's an official storyline each month as well, though I haven't taken part yet.

                              IIRC, UK servers are due December, Xwing-esque spaceflight is due next spring.

                              I can see this game being awesome when it gets into full swing.

                              edit - price is ?10 a month. Pricey perhaps, but the way I look at it is that when well into a mmo I don't play/buy any other games.

