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ftp to oldschool original xbox

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    ftp to oldschool original xbox

    I just bought myself an xbox, as I wanted to indulge in some retro gaming, and play a few emus and stuff like that.

    I have encountered a problem in that I am unable to figure out how to network the xbox system with my laptop.

    I have tried connecting the xbox directly to the laptop with what I believe is a crossover cable. and tried to connect using flash fxp, and the 2 wont connect.

    Its a little frustrating as I used to own a modded xbox years ago, and was able to ftp without any problems.
    Ive looked at a few guides but so far to no avail...and not sure what Im doing wrong.

    Ive tried to do a 'ping' test and send some info between the laptop and xbox, and it timed out, so the two dont appear to be able to communicate.
    Anyone have any idea how to resolve this?

    Have you got xbmc on it mate? If so, what does the scrolling info bar have on it, should either be xbox info, or Could not connect to server. (when connected to a router)

    FYI, i have never successfully managed to ftp to one directly, always do it through a router.


      If you want to do it directly you will need a crossover network cable (which you have) and assign static IPs such as for laptop and for xbox. You should then be able to ftp to


        Try a different ftp app? Some seem to work better than others with the xbox in my experience. Latest wiseftp works really well.


          Flash FXP has a 30 day trial


            You need to do it through a router man, it's a bitch otherwise and you need to assign static IPs as smouty said. Just hook the Xbox up with an ethernet cable to the router so it'll be assigned an IP and stuff, then when you're connected on your laptop to the network too (via WiFi or whatever) then you should be able to ftp to it no problem. There used to be a free version of cuteFTP but that has disappeared it's a good app though.


              Filezilla is pretty good for free. XBMC runs the server version of this


                woo hoo have been able to connect with the ftP, thanks to everyone for their help!

