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Weird SF4 Problem

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    Weird SF4 Problem


    Im having a strange problem with my SF4 game , everytime i start it i have to reset the frame rate to fixed or variable otherwise it always runs juddery . ive checked my FPS and im getting a constant 60FPS even when im having the prob

    Ive tried it with V synch on and off and i still have the same prob , Ive also tried different refresh rates and i still get the same prob

    I know my computer can handle this game easy in benchmark and i can get round the prob by just switching between fixed or variable on start up but its bugging me why its doing it

    any ideas ? all my other games seem fine


    PC specs

    ASUS P5Q-EM Mobo
    E5200 - OC 3.66ghz
    8GB OZC DDR2 Ram
    HD4850 GPU
    2x 1TB HDD WD Drives
    Blu-ray HD-DVD / LG Drive