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What to take on holiday?

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    What to take on holiday?

    I'm off on holiday soon, and the flat I'm renting has a HDTV. So it would be rude not to take a console with me. I'm thinking that the Wii with USB Loader and hard disk, and a small wallet of Gamecube games, would provide the biggest fun / weight ratio.

    This got me thinking - what console setup would you take in that scenario, where portability was important?

    PS2 slim for me or maybe a Wii with a load of virtual console stuff on it, can't get much more portable for a home console surely?


      Wouldn't it be cheaper to stay at home and play games?
      Leave them all behind.

      That doesn't help does it?


        Heh, well I'll be away for a while, and I don't actually get much time at home anyway. It would be a small part of what will hopefully be a relaxing time.

        In Edit: Can't believe nobody said the Wii is a waste of a HDTV.
        Last edited by topper; 29-08-2009, 20:28. Reason: Wii lolz


          Won't you be like erm, doing holiday things on holiday? PSP or DS for the ride non?
          Last edited by J0e Musashi; 30-08-2009, 17:02.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            I've often thought about taking a 360 with me on holiday but I realised I was only kidding myself, I'd much rather actually be on holiday than be playing games.

            I'd really suggest not doing it, just take a PSP or DS.

            Oh, the Wii is a waste of electricity by the way.


              We're getting off-topic, but I'm going for a long time, and to me, a holiday's a chance to do things I don't get to do in day-to-day stressful living e.g. occasionally play video games with my mates.

              As for the handhelds, I weaned myself off them a while ago and I don't regret it one little bit. My current thinking is that travelling time is best spent with a book or music, and gaming is best left limited to times when I'm near a TV.


                "Problem" solved - I'll have my laptop with me, shrunk the Linux partition by 10GB, installed XP, Football Manager 2007 and Pro Evo 4. Pro Evo runs fine, well enough to make me wonder how well some FPSs would run on this... *looks* Intel 965 chipset. Sorted.

                I may also install one or two Lucasarts games, haven't played any since Day of The Tentacle was released.



                  I go on respite so I basically swap one room for another most of week as stuck in bed when I get their lol. Ive gradually moved up last few times it was PS2 then Wii but I took PS3 when I went away for 2weeks in summer with SD portable telly. GOt me thru loads of time and did MGS1-4.

                  For you lot thats nowt wrong with you though Id say take nowt go to pub or go out instead you shouldnt be stuck in bed or a room playing games on holiday thats for when you get back!


                    PS3 or 360 - download loads of demos before you go, try them out when you are there and then pick the best one and buy it and play from the rest of the holiday.


                      Are you staying in UK or going aboard on plane ?


                        Plane. I'm away now, and I haven't played anything on the laptop so far, so I'm pleased I didn't bring a console. I have slept a lot though - like being a student again - quite shocking!

