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aes RGB mod

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    aes RGB mod

    does anyone know how to do this mod and how much it would cost .

    all the info should be in this link #

    the aes RGB looks very pixelated ft:

    new link added


      Pixelated? I'd say it was pixelated because it runs at standard arcade rez. (approx 320x240 (304x224 says mame))

      Now if you meant blurry thats another matter.


        Originally posted by yashiro
        Pixelated? I'd say it was pixelated because it runs at standard arcade rez. (approx 320x240)

        Now if you meant blurry thats another matter.
        it kinda looks like it has a grid like effect on the picture,i was trying to put into words the best way of explaning it


          Ah yeah. I remember reading an article on the different outputs from AES decks.

          The newer (later model) AES machines have worse RGB out but improved composite. How composite is ever anything but ****e I dunno.

          Thats why you need this mod doing to bypass the standard RGB out eh?


            Originally posted by yashiro
            Ah yeah. I remember reading an article on the different outputs from AES decks.

            The newer (later model) AES machines have worse RGB out but improved composite. How composite is ever anything but ****e I dunno.

            Thats why you need this mod doing to bypass the standard RGB out eh?
            yeah thats it,i have the latest revision of the AES systems
            (hence the ****e picture) but i dont feel confident enough to do the mod myself and i was wondering if anyone on here would be able to do it and how much it would cost


              Probably easier to look out for one <100,XXX and sell yours?


                my 117XXX model gives absolutely lovely RGB output...


                  It goes pants after 125,XXX I think.
                  I have a 41,XXX which is fantastic quality but a tad dark so I got a 90,XXX which is very very near that quality but the colours are brighter.


                    Mines in the 200000.
                    Composite sucks.


                      To be fair to SNK they did the Composite mod as most of the machines were sold in the US and Japan were Composite was fairly standard. (This was the time most consoles came with RF leads in this country....). I'm sure they couldn't give a monkies to the small percentage of people that used a Neo Geo with RGB.

