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HTPC newbie questions

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    HTPC newbie questions

    I've been noticing a lot about HTPC set-ups on the web in various places and they have piqued my interest. My main questions are:

    1. What software do people use to manage their media libraries? Just one or a range?
    2. What sites are the best/cheapest for legal downloads of movies and TV shows?
    3. What controllers do people use or do they just stick to standard mouse and keyboard?

    I'm sure more will occur to me!

    I've had a HTPC in the living for a about four months now and it's really changed the way I watch stuff. Hardly watch Sky or normal tv anymore.

    HTPCs can be a bit tricky to get set up perfectly though and I suggest visiting the AVForums (if you haven't already).

    1. What software do people use to manage their media libraries? Just one or a range?

    I use MediaPortal to view all of my videos. I've also installed the Moving Pictures and MyTV plug-ins which will display movie/tv episode information and give you some nice poster/cover art when you select a film or tv episode.

    2. What sites are the best/cheapest for legal downloads of movies and TV shows?

    I could be wrong but (with the exception of iTunes) I don't think there are any major legal streaming sites in the UK yet? Netflix is still US only IIRC.

    3. What controllers do people use or do they just stick to standard mouse and keyboard?

    I currently use this wireless keyboard and not had any probs so far. Batteries seem to last for ages too.

    If you need any more info, just give me a shout.


      If you haven't done so already get Win7 and Mediabrowser plugin.
      You will probably only need Haali splitter on top of this software wise and add Power DVD if HDDVD and Bluray is required.
      Hardware requirements are quite high but a recent C2D CPU and GPU (ATI 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx or equivalent Nvidia) will play anything.
      It is a massive minefield though and you will never be 100% happy with everything


        Thanks for the suggestions guys. I always forget about AVForums, their FAQ is excellent. I'm mainly thinking about using an HTPC as a film/TV library to replace DVD/Blu-Ray rather than anything else (watching/recording live TV, gaming, etc).

