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Capcom vs SNK 2 - which platform ?

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    Capcom vs SNK 2 - which platform ?


    After spending some time with GGXX #Reload, I'm feeling the urge for more 2D ...

    So, I'm thinking a copy of Capcom vs SNK 2 might do the trick .

    GC or PS2 version ... Any opinions on which is superior ?



    (P.S. no, don't have an Xbox, and can't be arsed getting the DC back out of the box ...)

    EDIT - I should mention ... I'm intending on a Japanese Version either way ~

    Do you have a set of 6 button sticks for either console, and if not which pad do you prefer?

    Go for the version that has your prefered controller.

    Failing that, the GC version loads slightly faster.



      If you cant be arsed to get the DC out of the box shame on you


        Originally posted by Kron

        If you cant be arsed to get the DC out of the box shame on you
        Just wondering the reasoning behind this? Personally I don?t take controller into consideration for this game as all the standard controllers for these consoles are rubbish for the game, but arcade stick solutions for each of them are available.

        I agree that the PS2 conversion is the worst. It looks noticeably worse than the other versions due to Capcom rushing the conversion. And I?ve not spent any major time with the Gc version, so I?m not commenting on that but I?m curious as to what makes the Xbox version worse than the DC one. I can?t spot any visual differences, loading time differences etc. between the 2.


          You can't be arsed to get your DC out of it's box ft: Shame on You, if you want to play 2d fighters it's the only console you need.
          The advantage the GC version has it's faster loading, better looking than ps2 and you get a free memory card 59(Jap only)
          However the version to go for IMO is the DC version other than that GC all the way


            dreamcast all the way


              The Gamecube and Xbox versions have a couple of modifications to the fighting system, which whilst small in number, do improve the game.

              Firstly, Capcom removed roll cancelling from these versions. I'm guessing that it's removal from the later versions of the game confirms that the inclusion of roll cancelling was a glitch and not intended. Basically, some grooves (C & N) enable you to roll by pressing the 2 weak attacks (jab and short). This roll makes you ininncible to all attacks. However, it was discovered that the roll could be cancelled into a special move and the invincibility would be transfered to the special move. (e.g. if done correctly Blanka could do his Beast Roll attack straight through a fireball). Some people found this rather annoying whilst others took it as part of the game. With it being removed I guess those who found it annoying have some justification.

              The second change is only major if you are a P Groove player (like me ). Super-cancelling as standard. Super-Cancelling is where you can combo special moves into Super Combos (at its most basic an Hadouken into a Shinku-Hadouken). If done right, the recovery time on the special move is cancelled and you can launch straight into your super, allowing from potentially massive (but more importantly damaging) combos. Super-Cancelling is available on all versions of the game, but on PS2 and DC it is only available for custom grooves. But for the later GC and XB versions, Capcom made it standard for P Groove (which makes sense as Super Cancelling is an integral part of Street Fighter 3 which P Groove is based on). With both Parrying and Super-Cancelling, P Groove can be deadly in he right hands.

              The above changes may not sound overly important, but I do think that the games are made slightly better with the changes. However, the result of the changes does mean that the GC and Xbox versions aren't in line with the arcade (i.e. if you got good with P Groove and Super-Cancelling, you wouldn't be able to transfer those skills over). Also, these versions have the horrible EO-ISm (but I'm sure you'd ignore that anyway

              Plus, with online play as well, I personally think the Xbox version of the game is the best of all 4.


                I feel suitably shamed about ignoring my DC ... I promise I'll get it out and make it feel loved again >.<

                Still, reckon I'll go with the GC version this time. I don't actually have anything fight-orientated for that system yet, so it's probably fitting ...

                Thanks for your views, guys ... and for the analysis C*~ I'm much obliged.



                  i couldnt play the GC version at all, the controller is the worst thing for fighting games ever.


                    i couldnt play the GC version at all, the controller is the worst thing for fighting games ever
                    Like someone said before, all the machines pads are pretty ****e for the game and really in all truth, only a stick will do...


                      Originally posted by Supergoal
                      i couldnt play the GC version at all, the controller is the worst thing for fighting games ever
                      Like someone said before, all the machines pads are pretty ****e for the game and really in all truth, only a stick will do...
                      yeah you should hook yourself up with a GC soul caliber stick (real nice and its got 6 buttons )


                        I wish Nintendo would make an official stick. I hate anything to do with SC2.

                        The MAS system sticks are nice.

                        BTW, my order of CvS2 preference.

                        SNES - I know, it's not on the SNES, but it would probably look a lot better than the PS2 version. No loading times + the SNES pads rock for 2D fighters.

                        Someone said the DC was all that was needed for 2D fighters - you're forgetting the Neo there mate.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows
                          ... the SNES pads rock for 2D fighters.
                          Would the Hori SNES-style pads be a good alternative to sticks with this particular game, do you think ?



                            Originally posted by Sieg
                            Originally posted by DavidFallows
                            ... the SNES pads rock for 2D fighters.
                            Would the Hori SNES-style pads be a good alternative to sticks with this particular game, do you think ?

                            Not even remotely. The GC pad suffers due to the button layout more than anything.


                              I bought my hori stick and it goes great with my GC version of CapvsSNK 2. I would recommend to anyone to buy a stick JUST for this game, it's so much better

