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Thick XBox XSnes9X question

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    Thick XBox XSnes9X question

    Howdy - I have the XSnes emulator on disc & I'm trying to copy it to the hard drive - I've created the file for it on the e: drive (as per instructions) & just need to copy the files over: however, when I select all the files to copy, I only get the option to copy them over to c: - I can't seem to access the directory I've created on e:

    1) How do I proceed? 2) Why am I technically inept?

    I bet most people answer question 2...

    what are you using to copy the files?


      Boxplorer - I can find the file I've created etc. but I can't seem to get the files from the disc to the hard drive. I bet it's something really obvious as well


        not that familiar with boxplorer I'm afraid. I imagine you have to choose the drive letter somewhere other than the main file explorer window.


          Use the triggers on the controller to switch between two different folders/drives.


            Use the L trigger as your source so browse to the D drive and you'll see the emu and roms. Press the R trigger then start and choose your destination drive then go back to your source, 'Mark All' and 'Copy'.

            Much easier to get a crossover cable if you have a NIC in your PC though.


              Hope this helps, taken from the boxplorer readme file (explanation of panels below):

              Copying files and folders :
              To copy files with boXplorer, first select source and destination by switching between panel A
              and B, selecting drive and folder on both panels. Then mark the files/folders you wish to copy
              by marking (selecting) them on the source panel. When you have marked the files/folders you
              wish to copy and the source panel is visible, press the white button to access the Main Menu and
              select "Copy...". Now you should see a warning screen telling you what you are about to do.
              Please read the information on the warning screen carefully before continuing.
              To begin copying files/folders, hold both left and right triggers and press the start button.
              NOTE : boXplorer currently does not check for available free space in destination folder, so
              please check that you have enough free diskspace before beginning to copy files.
              Also, if files exist on destination with the same name, they will be overwritten without warning !
              Panels :
              boXplorer use the concept of "panels" to select source and destination for file operations.
              There are two panels (A and B) which the user can switch between with left thumb button
              (press down on the left analog stick) or left and right triggers - the letter "A" or "B"
              in the upper right corner of the screen indicates which panel is active.
              The active panel (visible panel) is always considered as source and the inactive panel is
              destination. Example : if the user has selected "e:\MyGames\Spider-Man\" on Panel A and
              "d:\" on panel B and Panel B is visible/active, "d:\" is the source directory and
              "e:\MyGames\Spider-Man\" is destination for file operations.
              To select a drive for the current panel, activate the menu (press the white button) and select
              "Select Drive" or press the Start button. You can use the same drive on both panels or use
              different drives as source and destination.


                Many thanks guys - I'll get this sorted today


                  Originally posted by PeterUK
                  Use the L trigger as your source so browse to the D drive and you'll see the emu and roms. Press the R trigger then start and choose your destination drive then go back to your source, 'Mark All' and 'Copy'.

                  Much easier to get a crossover cable if you have a NIC in your PC though.
                  That worked a treat - thanks.

                  Now onto 2 more things -

                  1) I copied the roms into e:apps/emulators/xsnes/roms & they're all listed, but when I launch Xsnes from the menu, I can't find the games - anyone have any idea where they are?

                  2) The free space listed on each drive is as follows -

                  c: 369.262.592
                  e: 1.776.648.192
                  f: 0 (is this right?)
                  x: 683.278.336
                  y: 786.300.928
                  z: 707.346.432

                  Could someone please tell me what that means? Do I have lots of space left, or not much?



                    1) I copied the roms into e:apps/emulators/xsnes/roms & they're all listed, but when I launch Xsnes from the menu, I can't find the games - anyone have any idea where they are?

                    Did you change the ROM path? It needs to point to e:apps/emulators/xsnes/roms.

                    With Boxplorer go to the directory you saved Xsnes to (prolly e:apps/emulators/xsnes) and delete the file rompath.ini. Then fire up Xsnes and see if it can see the ROMS.

                    If not open Notepad on your PC, type e:apps/emulators/xsnes/roms and save it as rompath.ini then transfer it back over. Or if it's easier retransfer all the Xsnes files but edit the rompath.ini first.

                    2) The free space listed on each drive is as follows -

                    c: 369.262.592 370 meg free
                    e: 1.776.648.192 1.7 gig free
                    f: 0 (is this right?) If you've got a Seagate HD you can get an extra 2 gig out of it
                    x: 683.278.336 680 meg free
                    y: 786.300.928 780 meg free
                    z: 707.346.432 707 meg free

                    Just keep everything on your e (and maybe f) drives - NOT your C. If you get desperate for space then you can use the rest (until you fit a spanking new 120 gig HD in )


                      Originally posted by PeterUK
                      With Boxplorer go to the directory you saved Xsnes to (prolly e:apps/emulators/xsnes) and delete the file rompath.ini. Then fire up Xsnes and see if it can see the ROMS.
                      Did the business mate - many thanks for all your help

