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indiana jones graphic adventure cd twin set problems

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    indiana jones graphic adventure cd twin set problems


    i'm having trouble running the disc for search for the holy grail it tells me when i run it there is a divide error an ideas

    thanks in advance

    I think it just plain won't run on XP machines...
    I'm not sure about 9x machines


      i don't have XP i tried it on 98 SE and the other cd with fate of atlantis on works fine


        Hmm. Can you physically copy all the files off the CD? That would rule out any disc problems.

        Once you've ruled out disc problems, I'd be highly inclined, even on Win98 (though its a must on XP if you want it to work) to run the game files on ScummVM instead - its a rather wonderful emulator for the Scumm engine that the Lucasfilm games all run on. Hell, you could even be sneaky and run the Dreamcast port if you're feeling silly (and have a Dreamcast, obviously).

        You still need the actual game files off the disc, though - this is emulation, not piracy (unless you're playing Monkey Island, obviously).


          thanks for that i never thought of trying that i've only used scummvm to run my monkey island bounty pack so far

