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Using a Dreamcast VGA Box on an LCD Telly

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    Using a Dreamcast VGA Box on an LCD Telly

    I'm sure someone has posted about this in the past but I've had a look and can't find anything on the forum.

    I'm looking to get a Dreamcast VGA box and was wondering what the output looks like on a HD LCD TV set? I'm planning to run it through my TV's VGA connection but I'm worried that it will be a waste of time due to the resolution being so low.

    Anyone got any advice on this? Also, where's the best place to get a VGA box these days and what is the best one to get?

    Its well worth it and looks very nice on my samsung 40"lcd.

    If you have seen an xbox/GC running at 480p, i'd use that as an expectation of what it will probably look like.

    best bet? probably ebay (i also remember consoles and gadgets selling them too.

    I have the 'hais' DC vga box and the output is very nice.

    The official sega one usually goes for silly money
    Last edited by dvdx2; 15-12-2009, 14:48.


      #3 is a place I saw suggested on here the other day for them Duddy.


        DC VGA boxes and cables are usually available on eBay but the boxes are generally the ones people on this forum, amongst others, have warned about having easily broken or faulty AV/VGA switches.

        Prices even for these are high too - ?20+ was the cheapest when I last checked.

