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Hori stick

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    Hori stick

    Just bought mine for the GC and it pretty much feels like the Japanese arcade's version.

    Just wonderd, how do most of you hold your stick so to say?

    I play with it with the palm of my hand over the top of the stick, and hand flat out.

    Hmm.. must try that. Sounds interesting.

    I just have my four fingers on the left and thumb on the right.

    I like the cupped method too (two fingers each side with thumb on top) sometimes. I found it improved my accuracy on back forward motions in VF4: Evo to an extent. Problem is I have very long fingers so its really uncomfortable.


      I've gone through so many different ways of holding sticks in the last 12 years hehe. I personally find that I need to hold the stick differently depending on whether it's a 2D or 3D fighter. For 2D I play with my index and middle finger on the the side at the top, and my thumb right on top. My other fingers are below the stick but never touch it.

      But for 3D because I need to sidestep and 8-way run a lot then it's the same except for that the free fingers rest above the stick rather than below, which changes the angle that the fingers making contact hit the ball of the stick.

      I often forget how obsessive I can be about controller positioning

      Originally posted by Molloy
      I like the cupped method too (two fingers each side with thumb on top) sometimes.
      Damn I forgot about this method, I'm gonna give it a try as I think it could really help me particularly with 2D combo's into supers.

