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Installing Borderlands PC problem

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    Installing Borderlands PC problem

    Got Borderlands on PC today and can't install it. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and I have two hard drives - C:\ has Windows and all my programs on and D:\ has all of my documents on.

    When I go to install Borderlands I get an error message saying "Error 1606. Could not access network location %SystemDrive%\Users\." as soon as I start the installer.

    A Google search reveals it's probably some sort of registry problem but I can't find a specific solution. Can anybody help please? Was really looking forward to playing this today!!

    Phew - sorted it. I had to change the regkey:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\profilelist -- ProfileDirectory -- %SystemDrive%\Users

    I changed "%SystemDrive%\Users" to "C:\Users", restarted my machine and that seems to have done the trick. I have to say, thankful though I am I don't particularly like playing around in the registry editor for fear of completely destabilising my Windows installation.


      I am surprised you don't have more issues, windows pretty much expects User folder to be with the system drive.

