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Bricked PSP

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    Bricked PSP

    Gah - bought myself a nice new PSP from HMV earlier in the week and when I finally get chance to give it a whirl it switches itslef off during a system update. Now it won't switch back on.

    Firstly, I assume this means the console is bricked?

    Secondly are HMV going to replace it if I tell them this story? I can't be arsed faffing about with Sony getting me a replacement so I fully intend to get it sorted when I visit town tomorrow afternoon.

    Thanks people.

    Don't tell them that story as they'll say "well you should have had the AC adapter connected like it tells you to when you do an update". I'd just lie and say it's stopped working. Play dumb like.

    If the power light flashes and then nowt happens it's a paperweight.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Yeah don't get technical. Act like an idiot 'it broke'. What exactly happened sir? It broke etc.


        Yeah I went in earlier and just said it wouldn't switch on. The lady plugged it in and tried again before giving me a refund as they were sold out of PSPs, but managed to get a lovely blue one from Gamestation.

        Thanks for the advice guys!

