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Wind Waker Pictograph Quest Part 1

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    Wind Waker Pictograph Quest Part 1

    Right i'm trying to do all the Windfall Island side quests and loving every minute. However I am trying to do Lenzo's first Pictograph quest and I assume I am meant to be taking a picture of that man in the red overalls that posts a letter each day. I have tried 4 or 5 times but each time Lenzo rejects the picture. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to be in a certain position with a certain focus and everything before he'll accept the photo? Seems a little extreme if so.

    I personally didn't have any problems. I just stood a little bit back, and snapped so that he filled the frame, as he put the letter into the postbox.
    Maybe clear your pictobox and take 3 slightly different pics as he puts it in, just to be sure.


      Originally posted by SharkAttack
      Right i'm trying to do all the Windfall Island side quests and loving every minute. However I am trying to do Lenzo's first Pictograph quest and I assume I am meant to be taking a picture of that man in the red overalls that posts a letter each day. I have tried 4 or 5 times but each time Lenzo rejects the picture. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to be in a certain position with a certain focus and everything before he'll accept the photo? Seems a little extreme if so.
      Get behind him and take a few snaps when he's putting the letter in the box, easy


        I found Lenzo's first task fairly bothersome as well. In the pictograph he finally accepted, I was standing fairly well back, with the subject in the centre, looking in my general direction.


          I've never really bothered to go back and collect the snapshots.

          Are there some that you only have 1 opportunity to grasp? (such as the King etc.) Seems a bit like scanning stuff on Metroid Prime to me.

          I'll certainly give it a go when I start the game again sometime.


            Well yeh i've kinds ballsed up the FULL picto quest as I have missed various snapshots like the bosses due to not having the colour pictobox. But I wanted to at least clear the black and white quests.

            At the moment I have been standing side on to the man as he is posting the letter. I assume this is wrong then?

            Has anyone bothered trading the town items with the boat shops? Or did you end up just putting Town flowers all over Windfall Island?


              I ended up getting on with the game, I couldn't find a 3rd item to trade and I couldn't be arsed with the pictobox either, I don't think you get a very good reward for doing it


                Originally posted by SharkAttack
                At the moment I have been standing side on to the man as he is posting the letter. I assume this is wrong then?
                I stood on the pier and grabbed a pic of him. Others are talking about the pictograph quests, but you're on about the bearded guy in the town right? I think that is unrelated...

                Anyone get a good picture of the "perfectly smooth, round object" (i.e. the Sun, as far as I know) for the guy on the stairs? He never accepted my pictures, always complaining about focus...

                Has anyone bothered trading the town items with the boat shops? Or did you end up just putting Town flowers all over Windfall Island?
                Yeah, I did that - you're on about the Eskimo shop thingy? There aren't many to do and you get a few nice things, but nowt special (the little windmill is nice).


                  You have to get the picture of the moon with the colour camera. So unintuitive. He complains about it not being Pale. Er, and that changes between B&W and colour how then? Very poor.


                    Well finally got the picture of the man posting his letter.

                    This game rocks so much. I feel like i've put so much time into the game (is their a star fox esque game timer?) yet I have so much to do! Pretty much cleared up on Windfall now give or take a few picture quests for treasure maps, the auctions and the joy pendants and town items which I will do later. Now going to get the firefly to get me a deluxe pictobox.

                    Then I just found out I still have the earth and wind temples to do (I thought the 2 pre tri force island visits would be short but i've read otherwise). I heard this game only had 3 dungeons but i've done about 3/4 already and have 2 to go so thats 6 in my book!

                    All good stuff.

