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Best FREE DVD burning software for XP???

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    Best FREE DVD burning software for XP???

    I've barely burnt any DVDs since having this PC (for 6 years!), but the machine had some pre-installed DVD/CD burning software on it already.

    Unfortunately, it was a trial version, and when I tried to burn a DVD earlier, it said I had reached my limit (10) and would have to buy the full version, so I uninstalled it.

    Can anyone recommend me some FREE, easy-to-use DVD burning software off the net, preferably something that doesn't try to install toolbars, malware or trojans?

    I use IMGBurn myself.


      For burning files? If so, then


        ^For burning TV/movies so I can watch them my DVD player.

        I think I've got IMGBurn - does that allow you to create watchable DVDs, or is it for creating data discs instead?


          Go to which is a one stop easy install shop for freeware including disk burning.


            ^Cheers, I'll check it out.


              Another vote for CD Burner XP - very easy to use.


                I use ImgBurn for everything.


                  ^Bah, realise I've got both on my PC already(!) Been using CD Burner XP for burning CDs for eons, but have never used ImgBurn because it looks scary.

                  Tried to burn a DVD using each, ended up with two data discs instead (laugh if you want, for I am stoooopid). Basically, two DVDs down the pan.

                  Both files are .avi - I've managed to burn .avi files into watchable-on-all-DVD-players 'full' DVDs before (using the old program) but what am I doing wrong here? I stick the disc in my 360, I get an unplayable 'mixed media disc'.


                    sounds like you need to reauthor it first only free one i know is called super but be careful where you get it many of the downloads are riddled with malware


                      ^I'll check that out, also.

                      I think I'm gonna download the latest version of CDBXP as well, uninstall my current incarnation of it, the one I use is about three years out of date and has this annoying remnant of an installer program in it (which can't install what it's trying to install because the rest of the program is deleted!) so I have to click 'Cancel' about 10 times before I can burn my CDs.

                      Damn, I wish things were easy in times like this. Gonna have to wait till tomoz, anyway, I'm all out of DVD-Rs!


                        Why are you converting avi to DVD? 360 can play most avi files even from a USB stick.


                          Best freeware burning software I've tried is:

                          - ImgBurn
                          - InfraRecorder (like CD burner xp but I found it better/more reliable)

                          Between those two you can do pretty much anything and they've been so good that I've completely ditched the bloated Nero.

                          Other stuff you might want to get hold of to aid in DVD burning and "backing up" :

                          - DVD Decrypter (last version was
                          - DVDFab HD Decrypter (freeware version of DVDFab)
                          - DVD Shrink (last version


                            In the past I've used DVD Flick to convert a load of avi files to DVD format - seemed to work fine for me and it's fairly straightforward:


                              Originally posted by donpepperoni View Post
                              Best freeware burning software I've tried is:

                              - ImgBurn

                              - DVD Decrypter (last version was
                              ImgBurn IS DVD Decrypter, the guy who made DVD Decrypter was issued a cease and desist of sorts as it had ways to circumvent copy protection or something.

                              But yeah, they are both the best out there.

                              For AVI>DVD try ""WinAVI Video Converter", it's not free but it's brilliant and well worth the money.

