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Bayonetta Plot & Setting

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    Originally posted by Judge View Post
    A slightly unusual question, but hopefully someone here may be able to help me.

    I've played my way through the first 45 minutes of Bayonetta, and as a Christian, I had some issues with the plot and scenario of the game, particularly the opening scene. Obviously the game has its tongue deeply in cheek, but I'm not sure I want to play a game where the protagonists is shown killing the servants of God.

    My question is, is the game's plot and setting actually based around Christainity, or does the game end up merely portraying a generic light/dark face-off of extra-dimensional beings? If the former, it's a pity- even from the short section I played, it was obvious that the gameplay here is something special, but I'll probably have to pass. I love the Devil May Cry series, and have no issues with its generalised fantasy setting, but Bayonetta's apparent setting itself up in opposition to my faith left me rather cold.
    I have an interest in theology and the philosophies and practises people of different beliefs follow and can say, with a certain confidence, that there's nothing offensive in the game. I mean, if the opening chapter offended you then the rest of the game will too, but it certainly doesn't get any worse. Also, it's worth pointing out it's not only angels that you slay, but sacred beings from various religions, past and present, widespread and native, from the world over.
    Last edited by Charlie; 13-01-2010, 18:01.


      A genuinely interested question from me here - hope you don't mind answering, and don't think I'm taking the mick.

      As a christian, you're having issues playing a game where you attack possible virtual representations of beings/deities from your faith.

      Do you have similar issues when playing a game such as GTA where you steal virtual items, or kill virtual people in Modern Warfare 2? These are both against the values of your faith after all. And sure, they might be virtual worlds and virtual actions, but so are the world and actions of Bayonetta.


        Originally posted by Brodie View Post
        Do you have similar issues when playing a game such as GTA where you steal virtual items, or kill virtual people in Modern Warfare 2? These are both against the values of your faith after all. And sure, they might be virtual worlds and virtual actions, but so are the world and actions of Bayonetta.
        Considering the original poster only appeared to have an issue with the religious symbolism, and the attacking thereof, I don't think they mind killing a virtual character at all.

        That's a good question for you, Brodie. Do you mind watching or participating in a virtual act which goes against your faith, such as the death of thousands of people, or do you only have a problem when the characters are religious and of your own faith?

        If so it seems a bit contradictory.

        EDIT: Sorry, my question was aimed at the topic starter, not Brodie who was responding!
        Last edited by Wools; 21-01-2010, 07:53.


          Originally posted by Wools View Post
          Considering the original poster only appeared to have an issue with the religious symbolism, and the attacking thereof, I don't think they mind killing a virtual character at all.

          That's a good question for you, Brodie. Do you mind watching or participating in a virtual act which goes against your faith, such as the death of thousands of people, or do you only have problem when the characters are religious and of your own faith?

          If so it seems a bit contradictory.
          I cant say how Brodie feels obviously but I can say that while I have no problem playing GTA I do feel bad about some of my actions when playing it, GTA 4 had a multi layered main characther but some of the stiuff he did and people you killed in the game was very questionable from a moral standpoint, you actualy felt like a bad man whilst playing the game.

          Bayonetta did not make me feel bad for killing angels, its too far removed from my perception of reality for it ever to effect me in the same way as GTA.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 21-01-2010, 00:31.


            Having just finished it, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

            Although you are beating up 'angels' and such, it's clearly not the Judeo-Christian god. Anyone who knows anything about theology could tell you that. Boil it down and it is light vs dark, except here it's

            the light side that's essentially trying to bring about the apocalypse

            . There's no Christian foundation for

            resurrecting the Creator

            to do this, and although you do

            fight and kill 'God'

            at the end, it's not anything recognisable as such. I don't think there's any Biblical foundation for sages and witches being involved in the apocalypse

            Just take it as a bit of fun, because it's clearly tongue-in-cheek about it. If I was a Christian it'd be something like Dante's Inferno that would bother me more, because that's actually got a basis in Christian mythology.

