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BT Broadband deal

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    As a former back office support guy for Openworld, you wouldn't believe how incompetant these people are. I wouldn't pay a penny to that shower if they were the last ISP on earth.

    Those without problems: as always, your mileage will vary. People piss and moan continuously about FRIACO etc (all these Anytime ISPs), poor throughput etc. On ISDN, they tend to fly. Swings and roundabouts.

    But I can tell you that the nobbers behind the scenes at Openworld (server level) couldn't find their arse with both hands.


      Had any dealings with NTL on the inside?? Took me 6 months get a ?35 refund for something i had never used or had installed!!

      I saw one link for an ISP, bulldog, or something like that was offering 1mb and 2mb adsl, at what i thought was surprisingly low prices. Think in the day you had normal 512k adsl, and then between 6pm and 8am you had 1mb or 2mb whichever you had paid for.


      Not sure how good they are though, do anyother companies do deals like this? There variable bandwith deals are another product they call primetime.


        Bulldog offer a 6MB line for ?100 a month!

        I've looked at all the options and I think that I'm gonna try Virgin. They offer free connection and it's ?25 a month. I would have gone with Pipex as they are cheaper overall but if you disconnect before the 12 months then they charge you ?60!


          I have BTOpenworld and I know alot of people slag them off but I have to say they've been ok for the past year or so. I get ok speeds on most stuff, good online pings in CS. Of course, I'm sure there are alot better broadband ISPs, but BT aint all that bad. Maybe I'm just really lucky......

          btw, anyone know that BTOpenworld is being dropped and theres some new service joined with Yahoo? Not sure if I'm gonna have to upgrade or not...


            I use Eclipse and they have been fine for me.

            Internet magazine had them as the top rated BB provider for a few months so we went with them and I havent regretted it yet...


              Originally posted by Super Stu
              As a former back office support guy for Openworld, you wouldn't believe how incompetant these people are. I wouldn't pay a penny to that shower if they were the last ISP on earth.

              Those without problems: as always, your mileage will vary. People piss and moan continuously about FRIACO etc (all these Anytime ISPs), poor throughput etc. On ISDN, they tend to fly. Swings and roundabouts.

              But I can tell you that the nobbers behind the scenes at Openworld (server level) couldn't find their arse with both hands.
              I'm so pleased to hear that from the horse's mouth. Every time I've called BT with a problem they've not had a ****ing clue what I'm on about, just because I use a router and actually know my arse from my elbow. I told this guy once that I was having a problem connecting, and then while on the phone, during a connection attempt, the DNS servers were allocated by DHCP but no IP address ... making progress thinks I... and he latched onto the keyword DNS from his script and gave me a list of DNS servers to try out. Dimwit. I hung up. Having said that, it's been fairly reliable for the most part, just when something does go wrong, you just have to sit tight & wait for them to find the one contractor there who actually knows what they're doing & fix it. Calling up is just a waste of oxygen.


                Originally posted by Tom*
                I have BTOpenworld and I know alot of people slag them off but I have to say they've been ok for the past year or so. I get ok speeds on most stuff, good online pings in CS. Of course, I'm sure there are alot better broadband ISPs, but BT aint all that bad. Maybe I'm just really lucky......

                btw, anyone know that BTOpenworld is being dropped and theres some new service joined with Yahoo? Not sure if I'm gonna have to upgrade or not...
                yes u need to upgrade to the bt yahoo service as i'm on bt openworld and got a few emails about it so i upgraded to it and had to download some new software which is ****e tbh, it full of yahoo messenger and this toolbar, so i overide it and put IE as default browser instead.


                  No you don't need to upgrade - the only thing that's changing in the name and some T&Cs. Email addresses and access remains the same, you only have to install the software if you want to (though they don't actually make that very clear).

                  I've had BTOpenworld for nearly two years, and I've rarely had problems with my line.



                    ****ing bt, why dont they mention things like that, gonna uninstall it then dont need it anyway, plus its 18mb in size


                      They did mention it in the email they sent out, just not particularly clearly.



                        ok just had to post this to show how incompetent BT are.

                        I had a normal dial-up BTInternet account about 5 years ago. I used modem then ISDN to dial into it.

                        So I had a primary email address on there that I want to keep.

                        When I got ADSL 3 years ago they couldn't migrate that address over to my new account, but suggested that I change my dial-up to Pay-as-you-go and I'd still be able to login & retrieve mail over ADSL

                        So I did that.

                        3 weeks ago they mailed me to tell me my account would be shut down as I hadn't dialled into the PAYG number for so long.

                        I called BTO tonight & asked them to move my email address from the PAYG account and put it on the ADSL account. And they can't!!!
                        ****wits and arseholes.

                        So I tried to go into the PAYG web interface to see what was what, and I can't even get into that cos it just errors.

                        Bollockstoffers the lot of em.


                          That's new then.

                          The database allowed people to keep their PAYG accounts open with no need to dial in frequently, unlike say Freeserve's. Presumably, they're stamping down on people setting up hoardes of PAYG accounts and spamming, as PAYG accounts are rarely closed for such an infringement of the T&C (there's no point - close one and they open another).

                          btw - I'd best a reasonable amount of cash that 3rd level support could swap your email address over from your payg to the home 500 account. They had direct db access when I was there, anyway.


                            Grr. sod went to check with a non-monkey too (2nd line support I assume) who said it couldn't be done.


                              Roost if you had ?35 taken by DD then you should have gone to your bank and not NTL. DD is the responsibility of the bank if a payment is taken out which is unauthorised.

                              As to BT i hate em with a passion after the fiasco of putting "heavy users" onto a separate number which you could get connected to in order to push you onto their overpriced **** adsl service where the NGs are flakier than a head and shoulders advert.

                              Went to NTL 2 years ago , havent looked back since. Best day of my life was cancelling my btinternet and bt phoneline in one hit.



                                My BT DSL connection went down once and the tech support guy actually tried to convince me it was because of static electricity. I was amazed, i didn't know that could stop your password being accepted.

                                BTOW and BTB are a waste of money, checkout and take your pick from all the ISPs there.

