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Can someone recomend me a...

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    Can someone recomend me a... combat game for the PC. In the same vein as Colony Wars or Rogue Leader. There must be loads but i havent a clue whats good and whats not.

    (been playing Tachyon but its a bit dry tbh)

    Buy X-wing, Tie-Fighter and X-wing vs. Tie Fighter from Lucas Arts. They are old but still unbeatable in my eyes. Plus you'll be able to pick them up for vitrually nothing.


      X-Wing Alliance too, same stuff really but more recent (probably easier to get a hold of?) - lots of extra mods and things on the 'net too.


        Hmm, yeah i was looking at them yesterday. Bit unsure of XP compatibility though.

        Thanks for the suggestions. Any more?


          Freespace and Frespace 2. The second is probably the finest you can get, but good luck tracking them down...


            Starlancer's always worth a look... it's sequel Freelancer's pretty hot too IMO but it's less about combat and more about trade and whatnot.


              XW:A works fine under XP, I played it a couple of weeks ago.

              A second vote for Freelancer - good fun single player, don't bother with the online bit


                Freespace series is the best space combat on PC. Absolutely brill.



                  - DOS emulator
                  - Elite: Frontier
                  - 24 cold cans of bud



                    Frontier First Encounter runs just fine on XP or 2000 if you get the WinFFE version from the fansite.


                      XBeyond the frontier, or Xtension or X2, although they are not entirely mega action orientated.

                      Xwing alliance was ok, but the narrative dissappeared halfway through


                        Originally posted by JibberX
                        XBeyond the frontier, or Xtension or X2, although they are not entirely mega action orientated.

                        Xwing alliance was ok, but the narrative dissappeared halfway through
                        I was thinking about Tie Fighter on the bog this morning. Nothing has beaten the feeling of being in a natty little Tie-Fighter knowing that one shot will annihilate you, having to fly into the barrage to fire from capital ships and taking on X-wing squadrons...

                        You feel so naked but it feels so good.


                          I always had a soft spot for the first two Wing Commanders.
                          I loved the bombing runs in WC2... That was dead tense...


                            Oh yeah, definitely X-Beyond the Frontier, if you can find it. X2 is out soon. Utter classic.


                              I have X Gold, but my joystick buggered a while ago, and I haven't been able to play it. I've always had a soft spot for Elite-style games...
                              If you can find it, I'd definitely recommend picking up the wonderful Hardwar. That game was beautifully made...

