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ok... so im 3 years late to the party but i finally bought a ps3

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    ok... so im 3 years late to the party but i finally bought a ps3

    And need to know what decent games I have missed that are not available on 360...

    I am hoping to get that new god of war collection shortly and little big planet and probably wipeout but what else is a must buy that i wouldnt of seen on my 360..

    Im so excited after holding off for so long..

    Here's a quick list:

    Killzone 2
    Uncharted 1
    Uncharted 2
    Everybody's Golf
    Valkyrie Chronicles
    Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction
    Katamari Forever
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Ridge Racer 7


    Noby Noby Boy
    Pixeljunk Shooter
    Pixeljunk Monster
    Super Stardust HD

    I'm sure there's more, but can't think of many at then moment.


      A ps3 and a ds, yr having a mad week!

      I'd recommend Uncharted and Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank, Wipeout HD, Everybody's Golf 5, Demon's Souls and Infamous off the top of my head.

      A good breadth there...


        from your list Id prob be interested from the ones ive heard
        ridge racer7
        everbodys golf

        not read too much about the uncharted games though graphics look good from the boxes, same with uncharted..

        also, how does the singstar stuff work (for the missus honest) do you just buy the games like on the ps2 or is there a marketplace like 360 where you can dl new songs?

        Such a ps3 noob lol


          Originally posted by Len View Post
          A ps3 and a ds, yr having a mad week!

          I'd recommend Uncharted and Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank, Wipeout HD, Everybody's Golf 5, Demon's Souls and Infamous off the top of head.

          A good breadth there...
          I kno, I thought I was flush a hour ago buying it, then i realised i havent took into account the money i need for next week for wallpaper and paint for the house i need lmao..

          now its gonna be a tight month again rather than a flush one.. oh well..


            I seen wipeout hd in gamestation for £15 too earlier and nearly bought it.. gutted now as it means another trip into town i dont really fancy..


              If your talking purely exclusive you could just start from beginning and work towards new stuff, most the dirt cheap too.
              Stuff like

              Heavenly Sword

              They maybe older but are still worth a try, if the price is right.

              My recommendations of game I have played retail AND PSN

              Wipeout (Retail disc has all content on it)
              Flower (PSN)
              Pixeljunk Eden (PSN)
              Pixeljunk Shooter (PSN)
              Killzone 2

              There are more, just I havent played them myself. I'm sure people will agree with some and give some more.
              Best thing about going in late is the new experiences and some good prices on old stuff, my friend did this with 360 recently after me telling him about gamerscores and Crackdown, he finally gave in and just hearing his little stories of stuff I have experienced is cool and he got Crackdown for £5, crazy. Enjoy.


              Oh and Metal Gear Solid 4!
              Last edited by Family Fry; 29-01-2010, 15:11. Reason: How could I forget the reason I bought a PS3!!


                Do ps2 games all work on the ps3 also?

                Im on about 5 forums atm scanning for cheap games and ebay too lol.. glad i finish work soon or it could get expensive surfing here.. :P


                  Nope. PS2 games don't work unless you have a 60gb launch PS3. PS1 games all work fine though.


                    I'm the same, just bought a PS3 at christmas. (though i did have a japanese one for a couple of weeks at launch then punted it) Without a doubt, uncharted 2 is the best game i've played on it. In fact, it's one of the best games i've ever played full stop. I'd recommend playing something else before buying it if you do though, everything else seems a bit rubbish for the first week after you finish it!


                      ok, im gonna try and source uncharted2 i think as my next purchase after LBP.. :P


                        Get Demon's Souls! Everything else (including Uncharted 2 imho) seems a bit crap after playing that!


                          Originally posted by neoboy259 View Post
                          Get Demon's Souls! Everything else (including Uncharted 2 imho) seems a bit crap after playing that!
                          Bought demon's souls here but haven't tried it yet! Trying to complete a game at a time and not have several on the go at once. I'll move on to that after ghostbusters. After uncharted 2, the only other PS3 exclusives i played through were resistance 2 and infamous, enjoyed them both, but i think resistance 1 from when i had the launch console was better?
                          Last edited by Colin; 29-01-2010, 16:50.


                            Originally posted by ikobo_1 View Post
                            Bought demon's souls here but haven't tried it yet! Trying to complete a game at a time and not have several on the go at once. I'll move on to that after ghostbusters. After uncharted 2, the only other PS3 exclusives i played through were resistance 2 and infamous, enjoyed them both, but i think resistance 1 from when i had the launch console was better?
                            Dunno, I thought R1 and R2 were both pants, but then outside of COD I cant stand FPSes.

                            I thought inFamous was pretty crap as well!

                            Metal Gear 4 is amazing, I didnt like any of the previous titles in the franchise but this I adore, and it can be picked up for buttons now.


                              Get yourself a copy of Haze. Should be really cheap now. The graphics are poor but it still plays well. Certainly better than Resistance2 which plays like cack and looks rubbish too.

