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Computer restarts when Win XP logo comes up

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    Computer restarts when Win XP logo comes up

    Hi Guys,

    Got a problem, just this weekend I went down to a mates as he was giving me his old PC. Specs aren't to bad, Celeron 2.93Ghz, and put my own 1GB RAM and Radeon 9550 GFX card in, and also my problematic hard drive. Now in my old PC the Hard drive was fine had no problems, now I have changed HDD's many times with OS on and have had no booting problems with this one it boots up and tells me whether I want to enter safe mode or normal mode tried either one and it gets to the WIn XP logo and just restarts itself. Doing the same thing everytime.

    I also have a 2nd 160GB Seagate HDD but that has no OS on and haven't got a XP CD to do it. Would ideally like to run XP off the existing HDD I have.

    If anyone has any theories or help they can give me I would be much appreciated.


    Hmm.. Sounds like hardware (strip out everything you can to the bare essentials) or a driver issue. Had similar issues before with network cards/video cards that haven't been pushed into their slots correctly.


      You need a WinXP or Win7 disc ideally mate. A fresh format and install does the trick for me 9/10.


        Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
        Hmm.. Sounds like hardware (strip out everything you can to the bare essentials) or a driver issue. Had similar issues before with network cards/video cards that haven't been pushed into their slots correctly.
        I'd go for hardware over driver, as SafeMode should allow you to boot with most driver issues.

        Other option, probably more likely, is the Windows installation has become corrupt / something essential deleted. Windows repair may be able to fix it, else do a re-install.


          Tried doing that safe mode with prompts option and disabling as much as you can?

          Restarting is probably XP suppressing a blue screen which is either a corrupted system file or hardware issues.


            I've come to the conclusion that I think its drivers, cos its just gone into a new PC that wasn't the same make as me old one so gunna investigate more. Cheers for the comments and suggestions ghuys!

