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HELP needed with CrossfireX on 2X ATI HD5770s please.

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    HELP needed with CrossfireX on 2X ATI HD5770s please.

    Hi all.

    Installed both my 2 ATi HD5770S today and whilst i think all has gone well ie:
    crossfire shows up in CCC.
    I can see both cards in ATI Overide

    but when i boot up GPU-Z it says on my Bus Interface PCI-E 2.0 X16 @8.20???
    Is this correct guys or should it read PCI-E 2.0 X16 @x16 and it says ATI Crossfire is enabled 2 GPUs.


    EDIT Mobo is: Asus M4A79XTD Evo.
    Last edited by glazza; 06-02-2010, 00:53.

    Also the first time i ran the Res Evil 5 benchmark FPS was in the 100s but everytime i try it now its at 60 and seems as though the Xfire is not working with it an the same for SF4 benchmark and in 3d Vantage test on the first test with the women being shot at my graphics are all like long sheets of lights all over the place but the demo still runs to completion do you know how to get XFIRE enabled on these benchmarks Martin?

    Iget the XFIRE logo in the top corner of the screen whilst run ning the benchmarks but fps are the same as when i was useing just one card so what am i doing wrong?

    Any help be most apreciated.



      i have a problem that i cant decide if its my GPU setup or my Screen so please help.

      If i leave my computer on for a while and leave it, i come back and there is a series of vertical lines on a white/grey background that appear across my monitor and each time its a different color, either way my computer freezes, so i have to restart my computer and since it shows on my monitor, im guessing its may be my dual 5770s i recently got it and ive been getting this problem every so often without any hint when its coming and its fairly annoying but i dont get this issue when gaming at all even on a heavy gaming day which is about 8 hrs solid it never happens at all.

      So anyone know what it can be as its driving me nuts!!

      Any help be most apreciated.



        I believe crossfire in all but the pricey motherboards will send all the graphics card stuff down a bus(so you get 2 x 8x lanes rather than 1x16). Shouldn't make any real difference to the speed of something like the 5770s. Some games don't support crossfire or need some minor tweaking to get it enabled.

        As for gradual corruption, that'll be one of three things: faulty graphics card, the cards overheating or the PSU failing to supply enough power. Speedfan is good for looking at your voltages (assuming it likes your motherboard). If the voltages are significantly out or they drastically drop when you run something 3D, that can be a sign your PSU is struggling.

        You should be able to get the cards temps from the catalyst control center


          Hi mate.

          I have a cosair tx 650 PSU which is way more than enough and i ahve had the 2 cards running seperately for a day each and with no issues at all and i have speed fan but where do i look for GPU Voltages?



            GPUs runs off of the 12V rails I believe. should be on the main section.

            Also, check out this page to force crossfire for some games to see if that improves things:

            Make sure you've the latest bios version for your motherboard.

            Finally, try just stopping windows from turning off the display with inactivity. For my 5850 I was having problems with this (until my motherboard maker fixed it in the bios).


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              GPUs runs off of the 12V rails I believe. should be on the main section.

              Also, check out this page to force crossfire for some games to see if that improves things:

              Make sure you've the latest bios version for your motherboard.

              Finally, try just stopping windows from turning off the display with inactivity. For my 5850 I was having problems with this (until my motherboard maker fixed it in the bios).
              Thanks smurfy as always mate.

              Will that stopping windows inactivity thing be in the power settings mate.


                Believe it's either power or display options

