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PC won't read M2 card via card reader

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    PC won't read M2 card via card reader

    I've got a 6-year old PC with XP, and *one* (yes, ONE) available USB port.

    Basically, I want to import some pictures from my phone into my PC, and some music from my PC to my phone (I have a Sony Ericsson that uses a 2gb M2 card/memory stick).

    I bought a multi-card reader from Poundland this afty which takes M2 cards, so I slotted it into the card reader, connected the card reader to the PC via the supplied USB lead and...NOTHING. My PC doesn't even make that bu-bum noise to notify you that a device has been plugged in (and I've checked the E,F,G,H,I drives in 'My Computer', nothing's there)

    Anyone know what I could be doing wrong, what I could do to get the PC to recognize the M2 card? I've long used these cheap card readers for other types of cards, and they've always been OK.

    It's OK, I've sorted it!!!

    The USB cable that came with the card reader is a bit crappy, used the one that came with my old MP3 player and everything's working fine & dandy.

