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My new telly doesn't support 720p.

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    My new telly doesn't support 720p.

    So what it does is downscale the picture. I was wondering why Far Cry 2 looked so ****.

    Bit of a bugger though as it means any games I now buy I have to check for compatibility.

    Until I get a new tv of course.

    They have to either be 720p or 1080i to get the HD ready logo. Tried changing your console output to 1080i?


      PS3 wont scale 720p games to 1080i unless its supported by the software, unlike Xbox360 which will output all software at whichever resolution you like.

      It's gay because all 1080p PS3 games do support 1080i, but of course on this "fiull HD console" there aren't that many.


        [QUOTE=Baseley09;1658339]PS3 wont scale 720p games to 1080i unless its supported by the software, unlike Xbox360 which will output all software at whichever resolution you like.

        unless you use a Denon 1910 amp, in which case every ps3 720p is upscaled to 1080p


          Not usually an issue unless, as in this case, you have a TV that doesn't do 720p.


            You could go the amp route and up/downscale everything to 1080i. Not sure how much a standard non-crap amp would cost but can't be more expensive than a new TV and you'll get ultra nice surround sound too (if you invest in speakers).


              The tv is a stop-gap until later in the year so I'll suffer it for now. It can do 720 just not 720p. You wouldn't believe how crap Far Cry 2 looks. Cross between and XBox and an N64


                Originally posted by iloveannie View Post
                The tv is a stop-gap until later in the year so I'll suffer it for now. It can do 720 just not 720p. You wouldn't believe how crap Far Cry 2 looks. Cross between and XBox and an N64
                didnt you check what the screen resolution was before buying?


                  Originally posted by iloveannie View Post
                  The tv is a stop-gap until later in the year so I'll suffer it for now. It can do 720 just not 720p. You wouldn't believe how crap Far Cry 2 looks. Cross between and XBox and an N64
                  I've never even heard of a TV that does 720i (as opposed to p)!


                    There's no such thing as 720i


                      That's what I mean (as least, not as a standard), that's why I'm wondering why he says the telly can do 720 but not 720p :P

                      Curious, does the telly have a VGA port at all? There are quite a few Component->VGA converters that can upscale.


                        What TV model is it?


                          720x576 is PAL standard definition. Maybe that's what he means...


                            Nope turns out I was mislead by some random forum. It now displays 1280x720 but Far Cry 2 still looks ****. Textures are blurred and muddy. Not that it matters since Bayonetta turned up the other day and has become the latest time-sink.

                            The telly is a cheap(!) Samsung from Sainsburys. I had a lot of points on my Nectar card which helped. That's why it's a stop-gap. It's taken me this long to go HD! New house (first one) has taken priority


                              Maybe it's just having a hard time keeping up with the amazing graphicsTM? Blurred and muddy makes me think of response times or some other kinda of telly tech fiddling the picture. Does the telly have a game mode? Could it just be that Far Cry 2 really does look blurred and muddy?

                              How good does Bayonetta look? Probably not a good comparison question if you're playing on the PS3 version, but I doubt even a cheap Samsung would be really bad for gaming. I've had three Samsung HD tellys (19", 26", 32") over the years and none of them had any problems with games in terms of blurring, etc.

