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setting up website settings.. ._.

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    setting up website settings.. ._.

    I am stuck with setting up settings for a new domain name I've bought.. ..
    I'm using dreamweaver and signed up my name using the website

    but I have no idea about settings in Site Definition section.. (site>edit sites>edit)

    options such as
    FTP Host:
    Host Directory
    URL Prefix:.. .. etc
    the dreamweaver help files are completely unhelpful..
    maybe links to websites or any ones advice would be more helpful.



    From 1&1's FAQ:

    Where are the FTP settings?

    The FTP server is [yourname] (or [yourname].com, .net, .org). The FTP username and the FTP password are shown in the customer area when you click on the menu option "accounts". You can change your FTP password there, too, but the FTP username is not editable.
    Info like this is in the confirmation email/letter (however they do it) you received, surely?


      You only need to enter the FTP host, Host directory (usually /web/ but not always) the usernam and password. All of those details will be in the conformation email you rgot when you signed up to the web host.

      Note - did you just buy a domain name and not hosting? May sound silly, but I know people who bought a name and nowhere to host it.


        Originally posted by Super Stu
        From 1&1's FAQ:

        Where are the FTP settings?

        The FTP server is [yourname] (or [yourname].com, .net, .org). The FTP username and the FTP password are shown in the customer area when you click on the menu option "accounts". You can change your FTP password there, too, but the FTP username is not editable.
        Info like this is in the confirmation email/letter (however they do it) you received, surely?
        they haven't emailed me since I registered with them like 2 weeks ago so I log into my account and at the list (contract)

        Contract Contract number
        1. Starters Ready Additional domain Ready Additional domain

        it changed to ready now from, something else,.. but going through FAQs i'm kinda assuming it needs to be 'active' or something..

        Originally posted by Rabasaurus
        Note - did you just buy a domain name and not hosting? May sound silly, but I know people who bought a name and nowhere to host it.
        I noticed the domain name is very cheap, and realised that I must get hosting aswell.. so I did, came to 60? for 2 domains and hosted for a year.

        maybe I'll figure it out one day..

        thnx anyways^.~



 is my website
          I think I uploaded what is on there last night or something
          but it only *just* appeared.. ..
          and I swear I uploaded to my other but, I guess I haven't.. confusing me._.

          i'll just phone up their, probably unhelpful contact number..
          that company has some confusing area when u log in, everything seems unorganised and jumbled.. ..



            Well, the site resolves and loads some flash now, so I assume it's sorted

