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a frame round a game!!

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    a frame round a game!!

    Hey guys in need some advice!! recently bought ff7 for my ole laptop but having a problem!! when i play ff7 (and champ man) i get a black fhe frame round the screen and it makes the pic smaller?????but its ok when i play civilisation on my laptop?? can anyone help??
    also is there anything i can download to boost the speed of my computer and the graphics so ff7 moves a little smoother??



    This is probably to do with the resolution of both the game and your laptop. I would recon that you laptop cannot display the resolution that FF wants to run at.


      Or, it's running at a lower resolution than the native resolution of your TFT and either it's not configured to auto stretch the picture or it is incapable of doing so.

      On my laptop, there's a FN + number key combination to do it, so you might want to poke around and see what you have there.

      Not all laptops do it though, my work's compaq doesn't.


        Indeed, don't FFVII and VIII run exclusively at 640x480 thanks to the console origins? You can stretch in the laptop config usually (I have to do it in a config application, sometimes BIOS, sometimes Fn key combo as SS says) ... but it looks too blocky for my tastes then.


          i got the laptop while i was in tokyo for a measley 140quid! a tiny panasonic job! does anyone think i may need a better graphics card to solve the problem??



            Personally, I've yet to encounter a laptop which didn't have the graphics card mounted directly on the motherboard. It's highly unlikely you'll be able to upgrade it, sorry.

