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QoS settings on router?

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    QoS settings on router?

    Anyone have any clue how to use these? e.g. to prioritise Xbox Live or Skype.

    See attachments for my options and limited help text.
    Attached Files

    Your router doesn't exactly provide the most user-friendly dialogue, but if you want to prioritise stuff that requires low latency such as Xbox Live then you want to be:
    • setting up a traffic rule for the ip/port used (i.e. your machines's IP address on the network, and the port used by Live)
    • assign that to the class you desire, which going by your list is 'EF - Expidited Forwarding'

    You will also need to specify the minimum % of bandwidth available for the class, so there must be other configuration settings somewhere on your router that lets you enter the available bandwidth of your internet connection. Incidentally, I have no idea what the 'allow more' tickboxes are for in your screenshot, seems marvellously vague.

    It's basically one great big pain in the arse, and I'm not even sure I've helped clarify anything for you. I'm so fortunate that I don't have to bother setting this up on my own network.


      Heh, I don't have to set it up. If I'm using Live, I'll just stop whatever else is going on, but it would nice if it wasn't necessary. I'll give it a go thanks For some reason I hadn't figured that EF was highest priority, even though it says it..... heheh.

