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Help a Metroid newcomer

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    Help a Metroid newcomer

    Well, I've finally started Metroid Prime this morning (well worth importing it, then) and I could do with a bit of help. I'd like to try for the 100% rating as I go through, and I'm wondering what the criteria are. I'm assuming that scanning everything in sight will be essential, what else?

    In terms of the scannning, is it essential that I scan every enemy I come across? I have done so far, and I'm taking hits in the process. Is it a case of scanning everything, or is one of each species enough?

    I'm only an hour in, so these things may become apparent as I go on, but I don't want to miss anything from the early stages that I might not be able to go back and do.

    Scan all information points [red squares] that you come across, and scan every new enemy you encounter, just once. Don't forget to scan the bosses aswell, because you only meet them once...


      Trying to get 100% on your first time is probably going to prove as a bit of a challenge. Don't forget to scan the 2 species of parasite on the space station because you only ever get one shot at that too.

      I'm overly paranoid and scan suit power-ups before I pick them up even.

      I think the plant boss' (Flaagrah sp?) tails can be scanned - I'm not sure.


        Beginning to play through Metroid Prime a 2nd time, I planned on going for a 100% scan rate then. I gave that up pretty soon. There are a myriad of things to get hold of with your scanner and the chance of not getting one (or several) of them is simply too huge. In addition it would've killed my right index finger as well as the trigger on that side of the joypad.


          Also you need to remember to scan unlocked, and locked doors. That's one that people miss quite often...


            And missile locks on doors. There are also a number of regular enemies that only appear in certain places and disappear after you do something, so if you're serious about getting 100% scans the first time around it's probably best to check a guide on gamefaqs and find a list of all the things you only have one shot at.


              Originally posted by Peet
              And missile locks on doors. There are also a number of regular enemies that only appear in certain places and disappear after you do something, so if you're serious about getting 100% scans the first time around it's probably best to check a guide on gamefaqs and find a list of all the things you only have one shot at.
              Oh no, I don't want to be doing that. I was just wondering what the criteria for the percentage points were. I don't want to be consulting a guide, having not played the game before.

