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tron 2.0

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    tron 2.0

    buy it


    I dunno if I'd give it the same endorsement...

    The gameplay itself while ambitious is poorly implemented at times. The battle system is a bit awkward and it feels very much more like a straight up shooting game than the second coming of FPS it was supposed to be.

    It's pretty nice to look at and reasonably enjoyable but it's often a case of kill wave of baddies, jumpy puzzle, move on.

    Granted the story's actually quite enjoyable and the "level up" stuff is cool. I've seen better free versions of the light cycle game though.

    I say try the demo then buy it if you liked that. I'm sorry I didn't... I wouldn't have wasted my money if I had.


      lightcycles LAN is superb, though. I still find Tron 2.0 better than the free ones, in this respect.


        I don't remember Monolith ever claiming this was the second coming of fps games. THink your confused with HL2 there mate

        As for the combat. I don't see how it could be described as being poorly implemented. It takes time to get used to the strategy required to use the disc, but that adds to the challenge. Ive completed the game by only using the disc so it isn't particuarly difficult to adjust to.

        I also agree with Stu. THe light cycles are well implemented, and enjoyable too.


          It's more what several of my friends rather than what monolith said... I don't see how I'd confuse it with HL2 either!

          I never once said I couldn't get to grips with the battle system I said it was awkward.

          I still think it's an ok game but I thought I'd flesh out the discussion beyond the few lines you wrote


            It looked very purty running at ECTS, but I couldn't see a great game in there. The disc was a nice touch, but I've seen better.

            Far Cry looked a load more interesting, but then what do I know ?


              Far Cry does look very promising but right now it's technology not a game...

              I guess I'm just a cynic when it comes to PC games these days but I'm trying not to be... No one lives forever 2 certainly shut my moaning about PCs a few months back so I'm hoping Far Cry will restore my faith further.


                I've spent a couple of hours playing Tron2, but it just didn't impress me enough to promote continued play. The lightcycle game is good fun against other people, but the actual FPS game itself didn't seem to be all that impressive to me. Imo, the lithtech engine really is useless.


                  Originally posted by Vaipon
                  Imo, the lithtech engine really is useless.
                  Weren't the NOLF games developed using the Lithtech engine? I thought both of those were pretty decent. Perhaps not the engine, but what you do with it that counts


                    Originally posted by Valken
                    Far Cry does look very promising but right now it's technology not a game...
                    There was plenty of game there when I played it at ECTS. The AI was a bit off in places, but the set pieces were very impressive. It left much more of a lasting impression than Tron 2.0.


                      Didn't go to ECTS this year... glad to hear Far Cry's looking promising then.

                      Thanks for putting me straight and sorry for making a mistake.


                        Originally posted by Valken
                        sorry for making a mistake.
                        Hey, no need to apologise m8tey . As you say, it's good news that Far Cry is coming along so well. I might have missed it completely, there was only one pod on the Ubisoft stand showing the game and next to countless pods showing XIII (which looked fairly average) it almost got lost in the throng.

