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2 XBs on the same connection. (Live related)

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    2 XBs on the same connection. (Live related)

    So I'll finally be getting BB on Monday (Moving to my Sister's house). My question is: Will it be possible to connect two Xboxs to the same connection (1st XB being my Sister's husband, 2nd being mine), but with different Live accounts? I have no idea of the connection speed, but I'm guessing that a speed of 512k would be seriously laggy if two XBs were munching it up.

    some games will work better than others... don't count on the likes of Ghost Recon or RTCW working too well.

    MotoGp2 might be ok though


      I share my 512k connection with a bloke who does PC gaming and Perr-to-peer stuff. And I have no problems with GR and RTCW, just don't try hosting...


        sure, me and my brother do that all the time, no worries.


          Yep, it works fine, just don't try and be the host to often though and join smaller games in games like GR and UC.


            With voice etc lag free?


            I've tried before and it sucked but my connection could've been sluggish at the time.


              Originally posted by Valken
              With voice etc lag free?


              I've tried before and it sucked but my connection could've been sluggish at the time.
              Yer I do it all the time with no probs, obviously you have to ensure you are neither the server or are an busy game. With 4 ppl or less things are normally perfect.


                I have my Xb and my mates Xb connected to my adsl connection all the time, and its just like playing with only 1 xbox connected. No extra lag, i even had a 500mb file downloading at same time as well once and it still was fine. Whereas on 600k NTL when the missus is browsing net and i'm on XBL, sometimes ppl say my voice breaks up or i'm lagging a bit. Shows how important the upload is.


                  Works great on my 2M connection


                    I have no problems with an Xbox and GC being used at the same time using ICS on my Pipex connection.


                      You also would need to bugger about with port forwarding and stuff if you wanted to host a game on one of the boxes, so another good reason to avoid doing that


                        I've hosted games and never had to do any port forwarding.

