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xbox live and ntl

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    xbox live and ntl

    ive just signed up fro ntl 600k broadband (being the only broadband service i could afford before u all tell me off).

    was wondering with ntl, why u pay an extra ?5 a month to play xbox live? Is that just so u can play and have ure pc running aswel. SHould i be able to just use the direct connection option for no extra cost?

    cheers for any advice

    I think it's for an extra IP address... get a router that supports uPnP NAT and use that to play Xbox live instead.


      I have NTL Broadband and certainly don't pay the extra fiver a month for my Xbox. Just plug in direct. Its fine.



        sorry im a not really up on all the jargin, but it sounds good if u dont have to pay extra- also does the modem u get have an 'ethernet' port, (if thats what its called) or do u have to really buy another one? ive also heard ntl is capped at 1gb a day- does that mean some games will cut out half way through if u reach that limit?


          Basically to use live you'll need a cable modem that has an ethernet port. Quite often the standard modem will work through USB which is no good for Xbox Live.

          As for the cap on download limit you won't get cut off mid game but they'll charge you extra.

          Still, for everyday internet usage and online play you won't breach the limit (unless you can find 1GB to download every day which would take you a fair few hours on that connection)


            Originally posted by Deltatri3
            sorry im a not really up on all the jargin, but it sounds good if u dont have to pay extra- also does the modem u get have an 'ethernet' port, (if thats what its called) or do u have to really buy another one? ive also heard ntl is capped at 1gb a day- does that mean some games will cut out half way through if u reach that limit?
            hi, i just had ntl broadband installed and the modem i got has got both usb and ethernet connections on it, the modem is the ntlhome 120 one which i think is the one they use the most.
            hope this helps you.


              cheers for the advice!, i guess ill find out on saturday when i finially hit the broadband world


                Originally posted by Deltatri3
                cheers for the advice!, i guess ill find out on saturday when i finially hit the broadband world
                you'll never go back to dial up once you've sampled the delights of broadband


                  Never. And you'll spend all your time harassing your friends to get it too so you don't have to suffer it round their houses either.

                  You plug the xbox in through the ethernet connector. Alternatively, if you want to have the PC & xbox on at the same time, you should buy a cheap Linksys broadband router for about ?50 to put "in front of" the cable modem and plug the PC & xbox into that, both over ethernet.


                    it makes me laugh as i did move back to 56k (and aol at that) last year. I bought my own flat, and when i bought it i forgot to check it could get broadband. I had ntl for a year before that, so u can imagine the shock and horror when i had to give it up.

                    Anyway with a nice new pc and xbox i can forget about the wasted aol year ive had and get on downloading stuff at a speed i can bare.


                      Originally posted by Deltatri3
                      it makes me laugh as i did move back to 56k (and aol at that) last year. I bought my own flat, and when i bought it i forgot to check it could get broadband. I had ntl for a year before that, so u can imagine the shock and horror when i had to give it up.

                      Anyway with a nice new pc and xbox i can forget about the wasted aol year ive had and get on downloading stuff at a speed i can bare.
                      If you are interested, Xbox live seems to work just fine with the 150k
                      connection on NTLs broadband service, which would be a saving of ?7 per month. I had recently a 1 meg connection with Ntl and when after the first (free) month had elapsed I got them to turn the speed of my connection down to 150k and have not noticed any difference what soever with xbox live. Oh and while the speed in which my Pc downloads is obviously slower than with the 1meg line, it is bearable and a lot better than dial up.


                        ok ive just had my broadband connection installed at last. got the ntl:home 120 as someone mentioned before- i asked the guy and he siad that you could use it fine for a direct connection.

                        im still a bit worried about the 1gb a day limit- the guy who installed siad u did get charged if u went over the limit, but then did not know how much. anybody had any warnings from ntl ever because of this- either from playing too much xbox or downloading too much stuff.

                        now all i need is for the servers to come back online and ill be able to register to finially get online!


                          He's lying & wrong. NTL installers are 3rd party contractors. One told a mate of mine, as he installed the TV box that "there's no point switching it to RGB as you've got RGB coming out of the DVD " I assume he was talking about if you only have a single RGB input on the TV maybe, but since he was looking at a SCART switcher sending a **** awful composite picture to his 42" plasma at the time... you have to wonder where they find em...

                          NTL will warn you if you go over the cap more than 3 times in a month, they won't just auto-charge you. And getting to 1GB is not that easy. I was a bit confused by your post, but you say you're on the 150kb connection? You have to be leeching files (not playing games) at full speed for about 14 hours non-stop to reach that. With the 600K connection you'd have to do the same for almost 4 hours.

                          You can manage that easy by queing lots of kazaa stuff, but then the far end has to be able to feed 600kbps too, not common.


                            It was my he mentioned charges if you went over the limit but like was said you'd nbeed to spend the whole day downloading files to do it. Xbox live doesnt actually generate *that* much internet traffic.

