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Weird Juddering Wiimote Interference

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    Weird Juddering Wiimote Interference

    I've had this problem numerous times, i've sent my wii to be repaired to nintendo a couple and i'm still getting this. I've recorded a clip (sorry not the best quality or lighting), maybe you guys can work it out for me. I've got no idea what is causing it. Please help me guys, its driving me crazy and its making me think that i'm the only one thats seeing it. Basically this clip below is of mario galaxy, i have the pointer hovering over the different options and its flickering on and off. This can cause gameplay problems, like in Muramasa where the characters would be having fits on the spot. I would have made a clip of that but i don't have the game anymore. :/

    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 01-04-2010, 15:34.

    I had this exact problem when I moved house. Pointer would judder off to one side, sometimes disappearing. Worked out that it only happened when our kitchen light was on and the door open. The remote was reading the kitchen light as one of the lights on the front of the sensor. With that eliminated, it works fine.

    Are there any other light sources in the direction that your remote is pointing?


      Nope none at all :/

      I've messed with the sensitivity options, only two spots displaying on it. If it was an external light source more dots would appear i should think. Have changed the batteries aswell, still getting this.


        Oh. Sorry, hoped it would be a similar problem.

        Tried another remote? Got a friend who can lend you a sensor bar?


          I tried out an additional controller, not sensor bar though. i'll give it a whirl. If anyone has any other ideas or similar problems please post!


            Now tried a different sensor bar and its still the same. :/

            I've e-mailed Nintendo Service Centre with the problem, anyone know how long they take to reply?


              Halogen lights, LEDs and remote controls are all things that could cause that. Make sure the sensor bar isn't being glass and there aren't mirrors that could reflect the infra red in weird ways.


                I have this exact same problem. Took me ages to figure out what the problem was.

                Finally I found out that it was the two wireless surround sound speakers of my Panasonic Bluray home theater system that was interfering with the Wiimote.
                Only thing I can do about it is disable the transmission to those two speakers while playing the Wii, leaving me with a 3.1 setup.

                Only happens on certain games though. Mario Galaxy being one of them.


                  Maybe you can change the wireless channel for the speakers?


                    I've got all sorts of thing in this room that could set it off. PS3, Router, Wireless Headphone Reciever.... I'll try disabling them one at a time later on tonight.


                      Have you tried moving the sensor bar to below the TV instead of the top (or vice versa, as appropriate)? Don't forget there's a setting for sensor bar position, too. (Is it on the right one?)


                        It sounds like it's wireless interference as opposed to infra red problems.

                        To pick out IR problems go to the Sensor bar sensitivity turn it up to full and point your wiimote around the room, the IR camera will show any unwanted IR sources as white space, just like the 2 sensor bar dots


                          maybe way off but there are lots of wii remotes on ebay etc that are fakes (the ones from Germany and the Far East at amazing prices.)

                          these have reports of stuttering.


                            Tried everything, still getting it.


                              tried turning everything off in the room except the TV and wii?

